Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adieu Bi Rain

I'm saying goodbye to this blog. Suffice to say I've moved on. To another victim. lol. Nope, joking. But I will always remember my Bi-Rain craze days as the best..est period of my life where I dare myself to embark towards an unknown territory namely the www , blogasphere , fan group, foreign concert and survived to tell the tale.

There's a proverb in my local language which loosely means 'one go, many others to come'. That's how I see my exit. I'm sure there are too many loyal fans out there. But never fear I'm still a fan, nonetheless.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rain vs rain (and the latter won)

The TV was on KBS channel. I was watching Music Bank, a Korean music show. Rain was schedule to make a performance. Alas, it rained heavily. The TV screen went black except for the message 'services currently not available'. So much for satellite TV!! Who am I to complain? I work there #$%@^ ??hmmmm...??
Oh well, sleep beckons me.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rainism - the 5th album

When Rain's Love Story video clip appeared in Channel V and MTV some 3 weeks ago, I was bombarded with questions like 'why is he so thin?, why the hair like that, have you seen it?, what do you think of the new songs?' etc. Like I'm a spoke person for him or something in the office. But okay being unofficially the most crazy person over Rain (at least in the office), I accept the challenges and answer such quiries diligently. But there are actually many new videos on his new album but Channel V/MTV only showed one so I'm subjected to answering the same question over and over again, everytime someone come across the music video on the TV screens and mind you there are MANY tv screens in my office. *sigh* but secretly ... I'm enjoying the limelight ha! ha! ^_^
I got the album last week and lucky for my youngest son that school break is here or he has to put up with me playing the CD over and over again in the car whenever I send him to school (those were my hubby's remark) which is very true! :)
Below is the sample of his new songs. Most of his video clips are not out yet but he performed in a few award and TV shows recently. The thing about Rain is that he is such a talented dancer that I really prefer 'seeing' him in action compare to just listening to his music especially those fast number. So enjoy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Any Dream -Samsung Anycall CF

I know it's been quite a while since this blog has been updated :( Suffice to say I've come to my senses but I'm no less still a huge fan. This is the latest CF from Bi. He looks thin bcos he's preparing for his new role in Ninja Assassin but the dance move is still distinctively Rain.
He's back!!!

Upload credit goes to RGAL73 as shown in Rain Malaysia forum.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Latest look

Oh how I miss the old look. But he is still charming in this new CF