Monday, July 2, 2007

Heart breaking news

It was about 4pm when I learnt about the news. Doris from MJJH forward me the sms she received from Rain Vietnam.

Rain LA concert was cancelled 15 mins before door opening. He wasn't even given the opportunity to explain or see his fans regarding the cancellation.

My heart breaks...

Rain was very upset and cried

I heard and read about his explanation when he met some fans organized by Rain USA

It's very sad to hear his voice sounded so hurt

It has been a dreadful and long day for all Rain fans. I can only offer my sympathy to all his fans worldwide who flew across the globe to see him perform, only to know that the concert is cancelled at the very last minute. Many people are hurt by this turn of event, not to mention angry. Some words are thrown carelessly which in return hurt more people. Rain included.

Its not going to be an easy journey for him. But its a journey worth fighting for. And we as Rain's Cloud will stand by him through thick and thin.

As the saying goes, for every cloud there's a silver lining.
Aja, aja fightin.

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