Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy 25th Birthday Jihun-Bi Rain

Yesterday, June 25 was Rain's birthday

The message I'm sharing below was penned my the man himself. Some may label me as having a soft spot for this favourite artist of mine but I'm touched by his gesture in remembering us the fans on his meaningful occasion.

Source: Rain World
Chi translation by lovebi_rain@Baidu RAIN bar
Eng translation by jjbug@rain-malaysia
shown in Rain Msia -MJJH forum

Hi everyone, I'm Rain Now I'm already 25~ I thought I'm still a secondary school student but now, half of my 20s passed away... Even I look at those high school girls, I feel like they are sisters~ It's unbelievable that I'm mid 20s now~Thanks very much for the blessing words for my birthday Because of your words, I am very very happy in USA.... If I can spend this big day with all of you, it must be more meaningful and fun right? I feel regret for that But for the future of "RAIN"I've decided to scarify my birthday for work. I don't even drink the seaweed soup

Now I'm in USA, all the preparation for my album and movie are going on smoothly as planned. Next month I'm going to start the filming, guess it must be an interesting and wonderful assignment. And I believe it'll be a precious experience because I'm able to work with excellent people, so much more looking forward to it~~ At the same time, do look forward to my new album yaa~ Now have the chances to meet many great people, we're in the middle of a HUGE project My new album is estimated to release together with my movie.

AND most important, to all the fans who make the Asian world tour went smooth, I would like to thank you all again here. World Tour was planned 3 years ago, we really spent efforts to make it realise With your supports, that's why all the shows can be done. Again, thank you very very much. My USA world tour only begins now, but I never expect the name "RAIN" and the producer brought so many troubles to the shows. It's not my intention to break my promise with my fans I'm really sorry and sad for all these. The shows that I gave up a lot to make them come true...Yet because of the organisers, rumours spreading around I don't want to see anymore trouble in the shows for my fans, just because of some people's greed. Well~ Maybe from next concert, let me plan and build the stage myself~ So nothing bad will happen right? Hehe ¤»¤» No matter how, please don't be worry

I've said this yaa? If I can't perform 100%, nothing begins For the 100%, I'm doing my best always I will be everyone's RAIN that you all are proud of
Please always support and encourage ^______^

June 25, 25th Birthday, by Jihun

Here's wishing you a meaningful and wonderful 25th birthday, wherever you are & May all your wishes come true.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I had a dream

I had a dream 2 nites ago. I know its no big deal bcos as the Malay saying goes ‘mimpi hanya mainan tidur’ (dream is a sleeper’s fool) I’m not good in translating it but the dream sure makes me felt like a fool alright. I hardly dream. I use to sleep walk when I was 8-10 years old but that was a long, long time ago. But nowadays, I hardly dream so that’s why when it happened, I cannot help but felt a bit peculiar.

Anyways the fact that this entry is written here obviously bcos my dream involved Rain. Althou I don’t think the dream has any significant meaning whatsoever but I think I do know the contributing factors. A bit of history before I say more about this trivial but somehow intriguing dream of mine. Somewhere along this week, I read in the local forum about Rain going to Berlin right after his LA concert to act in his new movie. He will be there for about 2 months till end of Aug. I did see a few photos of Rain taken in Berlin when he was there for the press conference. He looked so laid back maybe bcos there weren’t too many fans following him around and most people don’t know him.

So when I read about him spending two months there I was thinking that maybe if I go to Berlin I have a chance of bumping into him. Ha!Ha! What a thot or dream for that matter. Nevertheless sub continuously that thot didn’t go away hence the said dream.

So I was in Berlin (or what I believed was a Berlin city bcos I never been there before). Even I marveled in the dream on why the town looked so much like Bangkok?!? There I was looking for a Korean restaurant bcos I figured Rain would probably go to one of them to eat. I went into one and chose a sit next to the glass wall so I can see people going in and out of the place. The place was buzzing wt people, not eating but like me waiting. Are they waiting for something to happen, or are they waiting for Rain too? I was midway of eating I presume kimchi when I heard him. I heard Rain’s voice. I looked up and there outside the glass wall, walking slowly along the corridor, talking to a male TV show host with a portable single camera crew following and recording, was Rain. I only saw him sideway. But there I was standing and staring until he was out from my vision. When I was out from my trance I realized almost half of the restaurant’s patrons were already down the corridor following Rain. I saw somebody I know from the office. Not one but two of them!! He was signaling to me did you see him? I nodded my head profusely, I did, I did! Why are you not following him? he asked. It’s okay I signaled back. I don’t want to disturb him. I think I said something like that.

So that’s it. End of dream.

For the record, I’m now actually wondering how much is the airfare to German and what’s the temperature like there in August.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rain WTBkk June 2 -Pt2

I’m in the concert hall. I had purchased the 5000baht ticket which was for the Standing A pit zone. And it was sooo worth it. I was actually very close to the stage. There were fans from Taiwan, Japan, Korea and of cos Thais all around me. Luckily before I went into the stadium, met a Msian girl whom was also on her own so we partnered ourselves. She became my Mandarin translator when we chit chat with the Taiwanese fans. I took pix of some of their lightboards.

Lights out and the sub marine emerged. The scream around me was deafening. I can’t believe that I was about to witness a concert that I’ve been anticipating for the past 6 months. Then he appeared…I tried to capture his image on my W800i but it’s quite difficult to get a clear and clean image. Only after I came back to KL that I realized I’ve been pressing on the wrong button for the video. Instead of zooming in, I’m actually zooming out. No wonder I can’t get a close up. Duhh!! All in all, I took about 33 videos altogether. Most of it was shaky bcos I was enjoying myself too much swaying left and right and sometimes head banging without realizing that the video is on. The feeling is indescribable. Surreal. Especially when Bi sang the songs that you really like… but come to think of it, I like all his songs anyway. Kah! Kah!

He is SOOO cute and adorable. The dance…and the body, who can argue? But I do wish he give up the scripted English when he spoke to his audiences. I prefer Korean language anytime even if I don’t understand a word. Other than that, everything else about the concert spells perfection. I love every minute of it. Two hours were just too short. By the time Bi Rain appeared in his trademark red jump suit I knew it was nearly the end of the concert. When it ended I hugged the gal I just met aka my translator and felt like crying.

To me, I finally able to place a real figure to the person whom I always just see on MVs, dramas, video clips and CFs.

It was an experience like no other.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Rain World Tour Bangkok June 2 -Pt 1

This was my first Rain concert ever.

But for most non-local fans I met in Bkk this concert was at least their second if not the uptenth time for the hard core ones (...somehow I'm not surprise). I've learnt to accept that when it comes to Rain, there are other fans whom are more crazier, daring and bolder than I am.

The atmosphere was unlike any other. Fans start queuing since 2pm at least. I was at the stadium about 4:45pm. Trying to act brave for my sake and also Angah (whose worried sick for my safety). Imagine after 10 years of marriage, his spouse started acting like highschool girl whose so into Bi Rain and now dragged the whole family to Bkk so she could go and watch his concert. (shock!) Indeed I've gone bonkers!!

I was scared shit alone in the taxi, on the way to Arena Impact (stadium). But I acted brave bcos I don't want Angah to worry. If he had his way, he will take the kids together in the taxi and drop me at the stadium but I refused bcos it will be too much of a hassle plus the stadium is quite far according to the hotel staffs. But the taxi took the highway (which luckily I ubderstood when the taxi driver told me in 'his English' that I had to pay the toll). So there I was at the stadium, 45mins early. But everything went well. Some of the girls from Rain Msia were early too and we found each other.
Arena Impact can accommodate about 11,000pax and it looks like 3/4 of the audiences were already there, at that hour and the concert was suppose to start at 8:00pm. There were many booths being set up and my favourite is of cos the Korean Air.
Seeing the long cue, I gave up searching for my entrance gate. I've decided to just go with flow and don't stress myself too much. If I have to be at the far behind, so be it. At least I get to hear him and soaked in the concert atmosphere. It was hot and humid. But nobody seemed to mind. I was sweating profusely and I'm wearing white!!! Clever. That's the trouble of trying to look cute instead of practical. Anyways, I'm happy to say that I've collected quite a number of freebies during the concert and managed to purchase Rain's World Tour t-shirt and calendar. The tshirt was totally a last minute thingy. Right after the concert ends, I found, well actually saw the booth which sells the concert merchandise. After contemplating between the army metal tag and the tshirt, I opted for the shirt bcos luckily I remembered that my skin is allergic to metal other than gold or silver.

Oh yeah, last but not least I had a fake tattoo on my neck. It was made by one of the girl from Rain Msia cloud. Its the star (just like Bi Rain in his I'm Coming MV).

It's Raining in Bangkok

Where shall I begin?

I’ve been post-pone writing about my Rain World Tour experience in Bangkok bcos I just don’t know where to start. There were just too many wonderful and exciting experiences that I just cannot pin point just one or two to share it here. So I’ve decided to share it bit by bit anything that crosses my mind. Pls forgive me if this bragging will continue for quite some time. No, I don’t have an earth shattering encounter with the man himself other than at his concert but Bangkok is surrounded by him everywhere. Along the street, on TV, in shopping malls, on magazines, in DVD n CD stores, on yogurt and instant noodles, mobile phones adverts, buses.. and the list goes on! The city just loves him.

My boys became ‘Rain police’-expert in detecting Rain pix. They went like ‘ma, look Rain there..there, another one there’ (I think you got the picture). The kids came to a conclusion that he must be the most famous person in South Korea to have his pix all over the city of Bangkok. I don’t bother to correct them.

Anyways, here’s example of some.

Bi Rain on Dutch Mill Yogurt

Bi Rain on the cover of Lisa mag