Sunday, June 24, 2007

I had a dream

I had a dream 2 nites ago. I know its no big deal bcos as the Malay saying goes ‘mimpi hanya mainan tidur’ (dream is a sleeper’s fool) I’m not good in translating it but the dream sure makes me felt like a fool alright. I hardly dream. I use to sleep walk when I was 8-10 years old but that was a long, long time ago. But nowadays, I hardly dream so that’s why when it happened, I cannot help but felt a bit peculiar.

Anyways the fact that this entry is written here obviously bcos my dream involved Rain. Althou I don’t think the dream has any significant meaning whatsoever but I think I do know the contributing factors. A bit of history before I say more about this trivial but somehow intriguing dream of mine. Somewhere along this week, I read in the local forum about Rain going to Berlin right after his LA concert to act in his new movie. He will be there for about 2 months till end of Aug. I did see a few photos of Rain taken in Berlin when he was there for the press conference. He looked so laid back maybe bcos there weren’t too many fans following him around and most people don’t know him.

So when I read about him spending two months there I was thinking that maybe if I go to Berlin I have a chance of bumping into him. Ha!Ha! What a thot or dream for that matter. Nevertheless sub continuously that thot didn’t go away hence the said dream.

So I was in Berlin (or what I believed was a Berlin city bcos I never been there before). Even I marveled in the dream on why the town looked so much like Bangkok?!? There I was looking for a Korean restaurant bcos I figured Rain would probably go to one of them to eat. I went into one and chose a sit next to the glass wall so I can see people going in and out of the place. The place was buzzing wt people, not eating but like me waiting. Are they waiting for something to happen, or are they waiting for Rain too? I was midway of eating I presume kimchi when I heard him. I heard Rain’s voice. I looked up and there outside the glass wall, walking slowly along the corridor, talking to a male TV show host with a portable single camera crew following and recording, was Rain. I only saw him sideway. But there I was standing and staring until he was out from my vision. When I was out from my trance I realized almost half of the restaurant’s patrons were already down the corridor following Rain. I saw somebody I know from the office. Not one but two of them!! He was signaling to me did you see him? I nodded my head profusely, I did, I did! Why are you not following him? he asked. It’s okay I signaled back. I don’t want to disturb him. I think I said something like that.

So that’s it. End of dream.

For the record, I’m now actually wondering how much is the airfare to German and what’s the temperature like there in August.

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