Tuesday, June 12, 2007

It's Raining in Bangkok

Where shall I begin?

I’ve been post-pone writing about my Rain World Tour experience in Bangkok bcos I just don’t know where to start. There were just too many wonderful and exciting experiences that I just cannot pin point just one or two to share it here. So I’ve decided to share it bit by bit anything that crosses my mind. Pls forgive me if this bragging will continue for quite some time. No, I don’t have an earth shattering encounter with the man himself other than at his concert but Bangkok is surrounded by him everywhere. Along the street, on TV, in shopping malls, on magazines, in DVD n CD stores, on yogurt and instant noodles, mobile phones adverts, buses.. and the list goes on! The city just loves him.

My boys became ‘Rain police’-expert in detecting Rain pix. They went like ‘ma, look Rain there..there, another one there’ (I think you got the picture). The kids came to a conclusion that he must be the most famous person in South Korea to have his pix all over the city of Bangkok. I don’t bother to correct them.

Anyways, here’s example of some.

Bi Rain on Dutch Mill Yogurt

Bi Rain on the cover of Lisa mag

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