Tuesday, May 29, 2007

With u by Rain

I'm already hype up for Rain's Bangkok concert this weekend.
Here's one of my FAV song 'With U'.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rain junkie

I went to Rain Msia cloud gathering today. This was my 2nd meet up wt the group. It was super duper fun. I must say the gals were all as crazy or much crazier fun than I am. What I like most about this group of people is the sharing and giving feeling we have for one another. A friend (not a Rain fan) once enquired; don’t you feel uneasy when other female fans express their above then average admiration towards Rain? How can you not feel jealous with these other girls whom also fell head over heels at Rain? My answer was no. We (the Rain Msia cloud members) got together bcos of Rain. It was a good feeling to be able to share the joy of admiring the same person and knowing that the feeling is mutual with the rest of the gang, well maybe the degree of likeness is different in each individual but we all agree that we are there to share and spread the love on our favourite subject Bi Rain.

It must be a weird scene for the other patrons in the San Francisco cafĂ© this morning to see 20 odds girls of different races and age giggling and laughing and at one point screaming in delight while distributing out free photos of Rain to those who were present for the gathering. Come to think of it now, I do hope we didn’t annoy everybody else too much just now.

Apart from our usual chat about Bi, we also had a small silent bidding session where a few items which were designed by one of the creative member were up for grabs to collect fund to buy a birthday gift for Bi. (He’ll be 25 on June 25). Unlike in the previous gathering, this time I manage to take home 2 items which I bid for. Hooray!! Oh yes, one of the girl who went to Seoul recently got me Bi Rain’s 2nd album to add into my collection so double hooray!!
Picture time:
  1. Rain mug -i bid
  2. Rain pendant - i bid
  3. Free photo - i chose
  4. Rain 2nd album - i bought

Time flies when you are having fun. 3 hours felt like a breeze. Angah gave me a call at about 2pm and I told him, it will be over in another 15 min time. Angah went to the wet market alone today bcos I have to attend this gathering. He’s being very understanding over my abnormal craze. I actually drove all by myself to Mid Valley for this gathering. In my 10 years of marriage, this is my 2nd attempt. The first was about 7 years ago where I took my parents with me and this was my second. God knows what else I’ll do after this.

5 days and counting … before the concert in Bangkok.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rain in Giordano

IMHO (in my humble opinion) Giordano is not 'that' famous in Msia. But for the past 5 months or so, thanks to Bi Rain every time I pass by a Giordano outlet, I never fail to at least have a peek inside. Just seeing the outlet from far brings smile to my face bcos I keep remembering Rain's comical faces in the CFs he did on the brand. Unfortunately here in KL, Rain is not the official spokesperson or I will be going into the shop not to buy... but to take photos wt the giant portrait of Rain. Hi ! Hi! And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Here are some the CF. Drool people! Enjoy :-)



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Rain WHO?

I've decided to dedicate this page to my best friend whom introduced me to Kareem Salama. Even from young, we realised that we have opposite taste in almost everything EXCEPT maybe in men ha!ha! Opps, correction. I mean the ones that we cherish and till death do we apart. That's why she got Angah for me and I got John for her.

Anyways, only until a couple days ago I realised that our differences is still alive even after all these years. Just look at our taste in music. I remembered during our teenage years, I would buy the Top 40 cassette while she, the more sophisticated music or singer. And we go like eewww..at each others choice.

So to the mommy of Danial and Alex, here's the answer to your question 'who is Rain'? (what can I say to a person who don't even realised that their neighbour is a famous American Football Player, hmm...)

My love to the boys and John.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Bi Rain (posters) staring at me

As mentioned in previous entry, the look of my cubicle wt Rain. Sorry pics (camera phone) are not that clear.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Yes people, I'm a fan of RAIN

Recently I put up a 2 x A3 size pic of Bi Rain at my cubicle. (but I don't have the pic here just yet). The action invite many questions both welcome and unwelcome. From 'who is he' to 'why do you like him so much'?

I realised, many non-fans find it difficult to comprehend if I were to say he's cute or good looking which to people like me (big fan) find it almost impossible to see otherwise. I guess that is when the phrase 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' rings truth. That's why my simple answer to question like 'do you think his good looking/ handsome/ remotely there is always ' I like sepet guy (guy's with slit eyes) -that usually stop them to probe even further. (Mentally note to themselves that I have a peculiar taste, full stop. So don't bother asking more) hi!hi!

Nevertheless, one question, NO actually it was a statement made by an acquaintance when she knew that I'm a huge fan of Rain. In her own words 'but aren't you married'?? and she added 'with kids'!! I went like.. huh? My first reaction was to feel hurt at such remark, but that was covered by my other single colleagues when they instead of me retaliated at her but I laughed it away and calmed everybody down. Suddenly I understood, this is actually a jealous remark coming from a novice fan. So to cut a story short, I ended up lending her my thumb drive so she could download the many pics I have on Rain as her screen saver.

Needless to say, I still manage to raise peoples eye brows whenever they know that I'm a fan of Bi Rain. I guess, that's better compare to if they were to ask 'Rain WHO?' and I went into this lecture mode - he is a ... and he can... he also... TIME mag... and bla! bla! bla!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I cried for Bi/Rain yet again

I was watching this video on You Tube on Bi/Rain. It only has 5 parts. I already cried during part 4 and when it reached part 5, there's no stopping me. I was drowned in my own tears.

It was a TV show where Rain has 8 hours to call 6000 people to his concert. He got only 1hr to promote it. If the number is not reached the concert will be cancelled. Alas 5387 people showed up.

I don't know the outcome of the show. I already ruined my nite moisturiser bcos I cried too much and wiping my tears with a bath towel. Can you believe it? I'm such a crying freak! I'm not crying bcos he didn't reach the target, but the support he got from all the fans who showed up was so over whelming. Even Bi was choked wt emotion. And he kept toying wt this ring around his finger. Is it a gift fr his mom? I don't know. But the whole scene was so emotional. I know I said a similar comment in one of my entry (also when I cried after watching a video on him) - that I'm so glad that he is such a fine star now and he will grow to be an even brighter star.

Someone translated/commented on the video -Rain said with tears, "Even if there is no stage, I would perform for you, people of my hometown, as your son or your brother..., This concert is also for my dear mother in heaven...".


Sunday, May 6, 2007

Not a SUNday but a RAINday

I know I should be rejoicing. Isn’t it wonderful to have cool rain on Sunday? Before this, I would snuggle tightly under the duvet and curl like an unborn baby in a mother’s womb. But today, I actually have been waiting for 0730hr since 1hr ago, alas it rained.

Actually, I have a mission. I went jogging yesterday. First time ever, after god knows how long. My body keeps telling me how unfit I was but my brain keep playing the vision of Bi Rain sweating in his dancing room. I want to be like that -drench in sweat!! So even though I was dead tired, I keep pushing myself. Never give up, endless perseverance – he!he! kinda like Rain’s motto. Angah keep advising me not to overdo it, in case I hurt myself or worst the after effect, since this has only been my first day. But how can I explain to him my driving force? There he was taking a break and signaling me to do so, but instead of joining him I kept on running or walking. Bcos I have a picture of Bi Rain training his dance routine over and over again until he perfected it. That’s my driving force.

I can’t describe the feeling of finishing the 1hr exercise routine. It’s exhilarating. Like an overdue accomplishment. I felt tingling with excitement and satisfaction towards myself. But of cos my body doesn’t agree. Yesterday’s evening both my legs were aching but I ignored it. Angah teased me endlessly and asked my maid to get ready, in case I would ask her to give me a massage due to the ache. If this pain is caused by something else, you bet I would whine but not this time. No sir. My pride refuses to bend to such ridicule and so I will endure this leg and body pain!! Oh god, pls help.

So when is this rain going to stop? I want to put on my running shoes and picture Bi Rain in my mind for inspiration. See ya’ ;-)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Rain on E

I was extremely busy. The phone has been ringing non-stop. And it rang again. From the display screen, I saw it was one of my staff. Yeah? I answered. Really not in the mood for another problem to solve . I've been doing that almost the whole day today and it's only 1530hr. Long way before time to switch off the PC.

"Turn to E now!" I heard the voice on the other line said. Almost shouting with excitement. What the ..? "Quick change the channel to E, they are showing Rain". I grabbed the remote, s*** what number is E on? Someone yelled 31, 33 said the other. After fumbling with the numbers I finally got E and a few minutes of Rain before it focus to other Asian artist. E was showing a program about Asian artist whom make it and about to make their presence felt in the West. And Rain was included. Oh! I'm so happy for him. Thou' I didn't manage to catch the whole segment on Rain but those few minutes enough to bring back the smile to my sour face.

"Did you manage to catch him"? The friend who called was standing beside me. Without taking my face from the TV screen, yeah I replied, "but only for a few minutes. Thanx so much for telling me." After finally turning to her, then I realised there were 3 other women plus a male colleague were also watching the TV screen to find out what the commotion was all about.

I didn't realise that during the rush in finding the remote control and flipping the channel, I was actually creating attention to the others around me. I don't know whether to laugh or to feel embarrass. "Okay everybody, show is over. We can all go back to our work now" declared my other knowing friend with the 'we don't know what we are going to do with you and your Rain thingy' look.

I don't care. I'm just so in bliss to catch Rain even for a few minutes. And I can't stop smiling. The day is going to be okay again. Kamsahamnida Bi.

..and the phone starts ringing all over again. Yoboseyo'