Friday, May 4, 2007

Rain on E

I was extremely busy. The phone has been ringing non-stop. And it rang again. From the display screen, I saw it was one of my staff. Yeah? I answered. Really not in the mood for another problem to solve . I've been doing that almost the whole day today and it's only 1530hr. Long way before time to switch off the PC.

"Turn to E now!" I heard the voice on the other line said. Almost shouting with excitement. What the ..? "Quick change the channel to E, they are showing Rain". I grabbed the remote, s*** what number is E on? Someone yelled 31, 33 said the other. After fumbling with the numbers I finally got E and a few minutes of Rain before it focus to other Asian artist. E was showing a program about Asian artist whom make it and about to make their presence felt in the West. And Rain was included. Oh! I'm so happy for him. Thou' I didn't manage to catch the whole segment on Rain but those few minutes enough to bring back the smile to my sour face.

"Did you manage to catch him"? The friend who called was standing beside me. Without taking my face from the TV screen, yeah I replied, "but only for a few minutes. Thanx so much for telling me." After finally turning to her, then I realised there were 3 other women plus a male colleague were also watching the TV screen to find out what the commotion was all about.

I didn't realise that during the rush in finding the remote control and flipping the channel, I was actually creating attention to the others around me. I don't know whether to laugh or to feel embarrass. "Okay everybody, show is over. We can all go back to our work now" declared my other knowing friend with the 'we don't know what we are going to do with you and your Rain thingy' look.

I don't care. I'm just so in bliss to catch Rain even for a few minutes. And I can't stop smiling. The day is going to be okay again. Kamsahamnida Bi.

..and the phone starts ringing all over again. Yoboseyo'

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