Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rain junkie

I went to Rain Msia cloud gathering today. This was my 2nd meet up wt the group. It was super duper fun. I must say the gals were all as crazy or much crazier fun than I am. What I like most about this group of people is the sharing and giving feeling we have for one another. A friend (not a Rain fan) once enquired; don’t you feel uneasy when other female fans express their above then average admiration towards Rain? How can you not feel jealous with these other girls whom also fell head over heels at Rain? My answer was no. We (the Rain Msia cloud members) got together bcos of Rain. It was a good feeling to be able to share the joy of admiring the same person and knowing that the feeling is mutual with the rest of the gang, well maybe the degree of likeness is different in each individual but we all agree that we are there to share and spread the love on our favourite subject Bi Rain.

It must be a weird scene for the other patrons in the San Francisco cafĂ© this morning to see 20 odds girls of different races and age giggling and laughing and at one point screaming in delight while distributing out free photos of Rain to those who were present for the gathering. Come to think of it now, I do hope we didn’t annoy everybody else too much just now.

Apart from our usual chat about Bi, we also had a small silent bidding session where a few items which were designed by one of the creative member were up for grabs to collect fund to buy a birthday gift for Bi. (He’ll be 25 on June 25). Unlike in the previous gathering, this time I manage to take home 2 items which I bid for. Hooray!! Oh yes, one of the girl who went to Seoul recently got me Bi Rain’s 2nd album to add into my collection so double hooray!!
Picture time:
  1. Rain mug -i bid
  2. Rain pendant - i bid
  3. Free photo - i chose
  4. Rain 2nd album - i bought

Time flies when you are having fun. 3 hours felt like a breeze. Angah gave me a call at about 2pm and I told him, it will be over in another 15 min time. Angah went to the wet market alone today bcos I have to attend this gathering. He’s being very understanding over my abnormal craze. I actually drove all by myself to Mid Valley for this gathering. In my 10 years of marriage, this is my 2nd attempt. The first was about 7 years ago where I took my parents with me and this was my second. God knows what else I’ll do after this.

5 days and counting … before the concert in Bangkok.

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