Thursday, May 10, 2007

Yes people, I'm a fan of RAIN

Recently I put up a 2 x A3 size pic of Bi Rain at my cubicle. (but I don't have the pic here just yet). The action invite many questions both welcome and unwelcome. From 'who is he' to 'why do you like him so much'?

I realised, many non-fans find it difficult to comprehend if I were to say he's cute or good looking which to people like me (big fan) find it almost impossible to see otherwise. I guess that is when the phrase 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' rings truth. That's why my simple answer to question like 'do you think his good looking/ handsome/ remotely there is always ' I like sepet guy (guy's with slit eyes) -that usually stop them to probe even further. (Mentally note to themselves that I have a peculiar taste, full stop. So don't bother asking more) hi!hi!

Nevertheless, one question, NO actually it was a statement made by an acquaintance when she knew that I'm a huge fan of Rain. In her own words 'but aren't you married'?? and she added 'with kids'!! I went like.. huh? My first reaction was to feel hurt at such remark, but that was covered by my other single colleagues when they instead of me retaliated at her but I laughed it away and calmed everybody down. Suddenly I understood, this is actually a jealous remark coming from a novice fan. So to cut a story short, I ended up lending her my thumb drive so she could download the many pics I have on Rain as her screen saver.

Needless to say, I still manage to raise peoples eye brows whenever they know that I'm a fan of Bi Rain. I guess, that's better compare to if they were to ask 'Rain WHO?' and I went into this lecture mode - he is a ... and he can... he also... TIME mag... and bla! bla! bla!

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