Sunday, May 6, 2007

Not a SUNday but a RAINday

I know I should be rejoicing. Isn’t it wonderful to have cool rain on Sunday? Before this, I would snuggle tightly under the duvet and curl like an unborn baby in a mother’s womb. But today, I actually have been waiting for 0730hr since 1hr ago, alas it rained.

Actually, I have a mission. I went jogging yesterday. First time ever, after god knows how long. My body keeps telling me how unfit I was but my brain keep playing the vision of Bi Rain sweating in his dancing room. I want to be like that -drench in sweat!! So even though I was dead tired, I keep pushing myself. Never give up, endless perseverance – he!he! kinda like Rain’s motto. Angah keep advising me not to overdo it, in case I hurt myself or worst the after effect, since this has only been my first day. But how can I explain to him my driving force? There he was taking a break and signaling me to do so, but instead of joining him I kept on running or walking. Bcos I have a picture of Bi Rain training his dance routine over and over again until he perfected it. That’s my driving force.

I can’t describe the feeling of finishing the 1hr exercise routine. It’s exhilarating. Like an overdue accomplishment. I felt tingling with excitement and satisfaction towards myself. But of cos my body doesn’t agree. Yesterday’s evening both my legs were aching but I ignored it. Angah teased me endlessly and asked my maid to get ready, in case I would ask her to give me a massage due to the ache. If this pain is caused by something else, you bet I would whine but not this time. No sir. My pride refuses to bend to such ridicule and so I will endure this leg and body pain!! Oh god, pls help.

So when is this rain going to stop? I want to put on my running shoes and picture Bi Rain in my mind for inspiration. See ya’ ;-)

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