Monday, April 30, 2007

Life is too short

A friend who’s studying in Perth had a car accident. Someone over speed and rammed into the left side of her car. She was on her way to the airport to pick up her husband. She was very badly bruised and cut when one of the windows shattered on the side of her face. But alhamdulillah (thank the almighty God) she’s alright. She’s been recuperating since last Monday evening and somehow managed to sit for her 4th Psychology test this morning (how on earth did she manage that??) but alas, failed.

Instead of feeling bitter or self pity, this extraordinaire human being I’m so proud to call my friend still managed to find solace in her misfortune.

In her own words, I quote:
Now I really know what it means by not sweating the small stuff.
Life's too short to be, and to stay petty.
Life's too short to dwell on failures, on sadness, on getting and staying angry.
Life's too short to make your spouse/family/children/pets feel bad just because they don't live up to your unfair and unreasonable expectations.

I came to this degree expecting hard work, but I also came to this degree thinking that I'd to sail through the hard work because I was invincible.
God just reminded me that we can only plan and then hope for the best.
So, having been reminded yet again by the Powers that Be, I will never forget. And I will live every day as if it was my last’
. Unquote

Just after one week after the accident and putting past in the past, she’s driving again. I’m so happy for her.

And let this be a lesson for me too. Life is short. I must start doing what I want to do now before its too late and show my love more often to the people I love and care. And be thankful to God for all His blessings to me and my family, always.

Thank you my dearest friend.

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