Monday, April 30, 2007

Life is too short

A friend who’s studying in Perth had a car accident. Someone over speed and rammed into the left side of her car. She was on her way to the airport to pick up her husband. She was very badly bruised and cut when one of the windows shattered on the side of her face. But alhamdulillah (thank the almighty God) she’s alright. She’s been recuperating since last Monday evening and somehow managed to sit for her 4th Psychology test this morning (how on earth did she manage that??) but alas, failed.

Instead of feeling bitter or self pity, this extraordinaire human being I’m so proud to call my friend still managed to find solace in her misfortune.

In her own words, I quote:
Now I really know what it means by not sweating the small stuff.
Life's too short to be, and to stay petty.
Life's too short to dwell on failures, on sadness, on getting and staying angry.
Life's too short to make your spouse/family/children/pets feel bad just because they don't live up to your unfair and unreasonable expectations.

I came to this degree expecting hard work, but I also came to this degree thinking that I'd to sail through the hard work because I was invincible.
God just reminded me that we can only plan and then hope for the best.
So, having been reminded yet again by the Powers that Be, I will never forget. And I will live every day as if it was my last’
. Unquote

Just after one week after the accident and putting past in the past, she’s driving again. I’m so happy for her.

And let this be a lesson for me too. Life is short. I must start doing what I want to do now before its too late and show my love more often to the people I love and care. And be thankful to God for all His blessings to me and my family, always.

Thank you my dearest friend.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What if it rains on Sunday?

I slept early last nite. Read the newspaper and somehow fell asleep in an awkward position on the bed. Well, not too bizarre since it happened many times before. As usual, Angah woke me up to change my position. My friend commented when I related last nite's event to her 'do you know that babies behave like that? they can fell asleep just like that even during meals'.

The Civil Servants, banks and schools are having their public holiday today due to the King's Installation. But unfortunately we in the private sectors have to work! Bummer! To make matter worse, it was raining in the morning when I drove to the office. The weather remain gloom even at 1030hr when me and some of the guys from the office drove out to go to site visit at Finas. I said out loud 'why it always rain on working day and not Sunday instead? (so we can all continue sleeping in our cosy bed).

I got this answer from one of the guy -'bcos then the day won't be a SUNday!'.

Ha!Ha! That was cute and fast. How true! It will be a RAINday instead. Lovely eh?

Now I have more reason to love a rainy day on Sunday.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My lucky nite @ Starbucks

It was Friday nite after office hrs. My colleague and I decided to have dinner together. Well actually we wanted to have coffee in Starbucks but since we don't want to have coffee on an empty stomach so we decided to eat light dinner. We had Japanese food. Stopped by at Speedy just to browse around but ended up my colleague bought a DVD copy of Sweet Spy again. Why I said again bcos she already had a VCD of the same title and now she bought another. The cashier tried to convince her to take a different story instead of Sweet Spy (without knowing my friend already watched the drama) by saying 'this one the ending is not so good, and the rating is also so-so'. I wanted to laugh out loud but keep it to myself until we walked out of the store. My colleague threw me a murderous look. It takes one crazy fan to understand another. Little that the salesgirl knew that my friend was in love with Denise O'Neill. So no matter even the storyline sucks, what's important is he's acting in it. And that's why, she forked up another RM100 just to purchase his DVD copy even though she already has the same VCD at home.

Sweet Spy aside. After purchasing our coffees (mine is cold ice blended thou the nite kinda cold due to rain; I mean as in drops ;-) but I'm so use to the taste already and my friend had her's hot. I went over to the magazine counter to get materials to read and there staring at me was Bi-Rain. Not one but several!!!! He was on this magazine cover and this is the first time I see the mag. I took two copies and brought it over to our table at the smoking area since my colleague is a smoker.

It turn out that it was the first edition of this mag called KPopKingdom and actually it was released way back in January. I am so lucky that several copies are still around since it is after all a free copy. I can hardly contained my excitement since in it has several pics on Bi Rain and not to mention a centrefold of him (like the pic on his Rain's World album). Ohh!!! What a luck. Making my trip to Starbucks sooo worthwhile. So can you imagine, there I was grinning from ear to ear nodding to everything my friend said without actually registering whatever she said bcos I didn't even took my eyes of the mag and only half listening to her.

Needless to say I took 2 copies with me (following my colleagues advice - one for the office, another is to keep at home). Thou' I did momentary hesitant as to 'can I actually take this?'. But of cos' I didn't wait for the answer. I took both copies, fold it and put it in my red tote bag. I was half expecting the waiter to come over to me before we leave the table and said 'excuse me but you can't take these away'. Which I'm prepared to answer but it says here -free copy' and look really pitiful. But of cos' it didn't happen.

So Bi Rain, see what you make a grown up, professional working, modern, married woman do!

He!He! and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Rain wish for Msian 2nd concert

Annyong haseyo

I was so excited when I read this. Does this mean Msian fans will have a chance to experience Rain concert again here? Yes we hope and pray. And this time, pls god don't let me make the same mistake again. Amen.

Part of Rain interview in Tokyo:
Rough translation:-
Question: In which country would you wish to hold a concert again?

Because of religious factors. The women there have to use a cloth to cover their faces when they are out in public (guess he meant the 'tudong' or something?) So because of this I previously thought that there would not be too much of a reaction (maybe he meant crowd interaction during the concert?). But when the concert started everyone got really excited, it was a very happy concert."
credits: rain-asia
translate eng dsl99a, shown on MJJH

Oh, I'm so proud that he mentioned Msia. I can just cry in bliss.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm backkkkkk!!

Yes, I mean exactly that.

I don’t know where to begin. I was out of internet access since last Friday. Hence no update on this blog. After 6 days, 4 reports logged and 3 technicians later, today both phone line and broadband are finally fix. I usually leave all these stuffs to Angah, but he’s away in Perth and I’m left on my own to get it fix. I was so desperate that I had to use the lunch hour at the office to surf news about Rain in Sydney. I had to limit the searching to local fan blog only while other sites I had to forgo. It was such an ordeal not being able to get online. For 4 nights in a row, I slept at record breaking early 2230hr.

I was so depressed that I can’t even make myself to even watch TV, as usual. If it is not bcos of Rain, I’m so sure I’m suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). I can’t imagine what will happen to me (or people around me for that matter) if the internet breakdown prolongs.

But tonite I’m gonna rejoice. Thank God I got my access back. Gosh, I have so much of catching up to do!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rain addict

I attend a management get together cum dinner on Monday nite. I wasn't planning to attend until I saw the email invitation informing the venue. Rain Lounge @ Modesto Sri Hartamas. Of cos I have to come. It's a sign. It turn out to be fun. I shared my table with a Chinese host from AEC. I don't particularly watch her show but I did once when she interviewed Rain when he was down in KL for his I'm Coming concert. So our conversation was mostly on Rain. I practically drilled her on revealing every single thing about Rain during her interview. Ha! Ha! But she was kind enough to entertain me. According to her, he was very polite, so handsome and very tall. Enough to make her very nervous. Hmm..sigh. Before the nite is out, there were 4 gals including me sharing, laughing, giggling ourselves silly talking about Rain in the Rain Lounge.

On Tuesday nite I couldn't get internet access at home -for the next two days. Thanks to lightning and thunderstorm which cut off the phone line and with it the internet signal. I frantically called Angah who was playing pool wt his office buddies and almost screamed, my modem has no signal why? (nobody in the house realised yet that even the phone line was out) I was insane for 2 nites with no mood even to watch the TV. Read the newspaper and ended up going to sleep at 2230hr for 2 nites in a row. When I woke up on the 2nd day, I already have a headache. Don't know whether is it bcos of too much sleep or anxiety? For two mornings, I went to office early to hook on the internet and catch on Bi Rain who was already in Sydney. Gosh, what a relief! Even then, I only read what is important bcos I don't want to make it a habit in the office. So for the past 2 days for about 30 mins before the official hours start, I was at my cubicle bright and early searching news on Bi-Rain.

And since I didn't get my normal dose of Rain news nightly, I started to act strangely. I was focusing my attention more to my future trip to his concert in Bangkok. I have this crazy idea of trying to find someone who has connection wt the Bangkok organizer to get me 1 backstage pass to Rain's concert in Bangkok. I know it's impossible but I just felt why not. I want to meet him and ask for his autograph on this booklet of mine and take a photo wt him. Dream on! Nevertheless there I was with a thick face asking a few office colleagues if they know anybody in Bangkok that can help me. So far none can help but many were very surprised of my action.

The next day, I sort of realised of what I did yesterday in the office and tried to behave as normal as I can.

I tell you I have become an addict. 'Rain addict'.

Thanks to Angah swift action of calling the phone company, I got my internet access back today. I love him. So hopefully wt the regular dose, I don't display any abnormal behaviour around the office.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

F1 @ Sepang

It was humid hot. And we were there at Sepang International Circuit to watch F1 cars in action. I was there during qualifying rounds while Angah and Danish on racing day itself. This is an expensive hobby or sport to be associated with. It was actually my turn this year to watch it during race day but I don’t have the heart to let Danish watch it on TV. He's so into these races. So I didn’t go. Anyways, I was enjoying myself surfing news on Rain on the internet. So no harm done. Checkered flag result: 1st place McLaren (Alonso), 2nd McLaren (Hamilton), 3rd Ferrari (Raikonnen).

Pics speak a thousand words. So here there are:

Look at the sky...
Country's pride n joy
Red Ferrari

Happening girls

Hot humid track

Can you spot me?
The winning car

Maybe I'll get to see it live next year.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

..and so I cry with you

Maybe it was the music or maybe bcos it is Rain, but the video moved me to tears. I'm not sure why he cried (I sincerely hope and pray it is not bcos of his late mom) but I'm sure he knows that he is well loved by his fans all around the globe.
Sarangheyo Bi
Now where is that tissue?
pic: cr/j.lee-soompi

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sangdoo, let's go to school

Annyong haseyo

I'm probably one of the last few of Rain's fan who's hasn't finish watching this drama yet. Finally got the TV last nite since Angah was home late playing pool wt his colleagues. After Princess Hours on 8TV ends, I grabbed Sangdoo's dvd and got till episode 11. (No such luck tonite, so I surf the net instead)

Back to the drama, I'm amazed at how talented Rain is in acting. Already I'm hooked to the story. Well, maybe I'm a bit bias but really he is so natural! The only thing I don't like in K-Drama is when everything starts to mess up due to miscommunication or rather their (characters) inability to actually say the truth from the very beginning and let the whole miscommunication dragged on. I hate it!!!

They (Sangdoo and teacher gf) already found each other after 10 bloody years, they could at least spend 30 min updating each other on what actually happen in their lives after all those years. But no they wait for that perfect moment which will never come. Aiyaa!! This is the topic which I frequently discussed wt my colleague. Last time, we use to hate weak, non-opinionated and clueless female lead. But nowadays, leading actress has change. Eversince Sad Love Story, they have become stronger and allowed to say what's on their mind; especially in Sorry, I love you. Bravo!!

I'm pasting some Sang doo's NG here.

Hope I will be able to continue watching the rest of the episodes soon.

Annyong-hi chumuseyo

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A big scare

I was still drowsy from last nite’s late sleeping (0230hr to be exact) when angah dropped me the bomb. “Rain’s concert in Bangkok’s is postponed a week later from its original date”.

What? I jumped from the bed. Where did you hear that from? I asked. MTV last nite, he said and fell back to sleep. MTV are you sure? Why? I continued. “Not really sure but something to do with technical stuff that they had to change venue”, he continued.

I can't think straight. This can't be happening. Is this a bad dream or what? Felt like blood gushing to me head. My mind was so chaotic.

So many questions rushed to my mind all at once. Can I change the flight ticket? Is it still school holiday then? Can I prolong my leave or take more leave? OMG why is this happening to me?

Are you sure MTV said this? I asked again and again to my sleeping spouse. Saw him trying to hide behind the pillow, was it a smile or a smirk or plain irritation bcos I don’t let him sleep in peace? Suddenly he threw the pillow at me and shouted

‘APRIL FOOL' !!!! and laughed his heart out.

I stared at him like an idiot. Don’t know whether to feel angry or relief that it was actually just a big joke. Then I decided it was the latter and I took the pillow and hit him over and over again with it.

I almost died there just now, I told him. He was still laughing hard. Okay, okay pls let me continue my sleep, he pleaded. I let him go. I was just too thankful, that the whole thing was a prank. Phew!

Happy April Fool’s Day Everyone.

ps/my heart is still pounding

You MUST have like Rain very much

That was what the salesgirl said to me this afternoon whilst she wrapped my purchases. I finally got hold of It’s Raining (Rain’s 3rd cd). Actually I had to pre-order it from the store. The staff called me 5 days later informing me of the cd availability. It was last Thursday and I can hardly contain my excitement.
But not until today, Saturday that I managed to make the trip back to the store. After inspecting my latest treasure, I had asked the salesgirl to hold it first while I browse along the cd rack. And I also found, Full House and A Love to Kill OST cd. Alas, greed got the better of me and I bought it all, to the amusement of the salesgirl.

So here I am writing this whilst listening to ‘I Think’ (FH). Love this song!

I was at Border’s. At the Chinese mag section, where some curious eyes were on me figuring what the h*** am I doing there (I got use to that already), no I don’t know how to read Chinese or Korean for that matter but I was looking at this mag from Taiwan and yes, there was Rain but the mag turned out to be from 2006. No wonder Rain look a bit different from his current look. I prefer him now more than ever. I was contemplating whether to buy or not when I heard Danial’s calling out to me. Quickly, placing down the magazine I rushed to find him.

Before the outing, I actually managed to catch Rain on TVBS and TVB this morning. It was about Rain arriving for his concert in Taipei and an interview where he sneezed. Even this normal act of expelling foreign matter from one’s olfactory enough to press the panic button to all clouds around the globe ;-) Gosh, Rain must realize how lucky he is! Every single cloud is praying for his health.

credit: as tagged

Being a workaholic, I know Rain will give his 200% for his concert tonite. Nevertheless here’s wishing him all the best. Bi Aja! Aja! Fightin

Until then annyong-hi-chumuseyo from me.