Sunday, April 22, 2007

My lucky nite @ Starbucks

It was Friday nite after office hrs. My colleague and I decided to have dinner together. Well actually we wanted to have coffee in Starbucks but since we don't want to have coffee on an empty stomach so we decided to eat light dinner. We had Japanese food. Stopped by at Speedy just to browse around but ended up my colleague bought a DVD copy of Sweet Spy again. Why I said again bcos she already had a VCD of the same title and now she bought another. The cashier tried to convince her to take a different story instead of Sweet Spy (without knowing my friend already watched the drama) by saying 'this one the ending is not so good, and the rating is also so-so'. I wanted to laugh out loud but keep it to myself until we walked out of the store. My colleague threw me a murderous look. It takes one crazy fan to understand another. Little that the salesgirl knew that my friend was in love with Denise O'Neill. So no matter even the storyline sucks, what's important is he's acting in it. And that's why, she forked up another RM100 just to purchase his DVD copy even though she already has the same VCD at home.

Sweet Spy aside. After purchasing our coffees (mine is cold ice blended thou the nite kinda cold due to rain; I mean as in drops ;-) but I'm so use to the taste already and my friend had her's hot. I went over to the magazine counter to get materials to read and there staring at me was Bi-Rain. Not one but several!!!! He was on this magazine cover and this is the first time I see the mag. I took two copies and brought it over to our table at the smoking area since my colleague is a smoker.

It turn out that it was the first edition of this mag called KPopKingdom and actually it was released way back in January. I am so lucky that several copies are still around since it is after all a free copy. I can hardly contained my excitement since in it has several pics on Bi Rain and not to mention a centrefold of him (like the pic on his Rain's World album). Ohh!!! What a luck. Making my trip to Starbucks sooo worthwhile. So can you imagine, there I was grinning from ear to ear nodding to everything my friend said without actually registering whatever she said bcos I didn't even took my eyes of the mag and only half listening to her.

Needless to say I took 2 copies with me (following my colleagues advice - one for the office, another is to keep at home). Thou' I did momentary hesitant as to 'can I actually take this?'. But of cos' I didn't wait for the answer. I took both copies, fold it and put it in my red tote bag. I was half expecting the waiter to come over to me before we leave the table and said 'excuse me but you can't take these away'. Which I'm prepared to answer but it says here -free copy' and look really pitiful. But of cos' it didn't happen.

So Bi Rain, see what you make a grown up, professional working, modern, married woman do!

He!He! and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

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