Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rain addict

I attend a management get together cum dinner on Monday nite. I wasn't planning to attend until I saw the email invitation informing the venue. Rain Lounge @ Modesto Sri Hartamas. Of cos I have to come. It's a sign. It turn out to be fun. I shared my table with a Chinese host from AEC. I don't particularly watch her show but I did once when she interviewed Rain when he was down in KL for his I'm Coming concert. So our conversation was mostly on Rain. I practically drilled her on revealing every single thing about Rain during her interview. Ha! Ha! But she was kind enough to entertain me. According to her, he was very polite, so handsome and very tall. Enough to make her very nervous. Hmm..sigh. Before the nite is out, there were 4 gals including me sharing, laughing, giggling ourselves silly talking about Rain in the Rain Lounge.

On Tuesday nite I couldn't get internet access at home -for the next two days. Thanks to lightning and thunderstorm which cut off the phone line and with it the internet signal. I frantically called Angah who was playing pool wt his office buddies and almost screamed, my modem has no signal why? (nobody in the house realised yet that even the phone line was out) I was insane for 2 nites with no mood even to watch the TV. Read the newspaper and ended up going to sleep at 2230hr for 2 nites in a row. When I woke up on the 2nd day, I already have a headache. Don't know whether is it bcos of too much sleep or anxiety? For two mornings, I went to office early to hook on the internet and catch on Bi Rain who was already in Sydney. Gosh, what a relief! Even then, I only read what is important bcos I don't want to make it a habit in the office. So for the past 2 days for about 30 mins before the official hours start, I was at my cubicle bright and early searching news on Bi-Rain.

And since I didn't get my normal dose of Rain news nightly, I started to act strangely. I was focusing my attention more to my future trip to his concert in Bangkok. I have this crazy idea of trying to find someone who has connection wt the Bangkok organizer to get me 1 backstage pass to Rain's concert in Bangkok. I know it's impossible but I just felt why not. I want to meet him and ask for his autograph on this booklet of mine and take a photo wt him. Dream on! Nevertheless there I was with a thick face asking a few office colleagues if they know anybody in Bangkok that can help me. So far none can help but many were very surprised of my action.

The next day, I sort of realised of what I did yesterday in the office and tried to behave as normal as I can.

I tell you I have become an addict. 'Rain addict'.

Thanks to Angah swift action of calling the phone company, I got my internet access back today. I love him. So hopefully wt the regular dose, I don't display any abnormal behaviour around the office.

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