Saturday, April 21, 2007

Rain wish for Msian 2nd concert

Annyong haseyo

I was so excited when I read this. Does this mean Msian fans will have a chance to experience Rain concert again here? Yes we hope and pray. And this time, pls god don't let me make the same mistake again. Amen.

Part of Rain interview in Tokyo:
Rough translation:-
Question: In which country would you wish to hold a concert again?

Because of religious factors. The women there have to use a cloth to cover their faces when they are out in public (guess he meant the 'tudong' or something?) So because of this I previously thought that there would not be too much of a reaction (maybe he meant crowd interaction during the concert?). But when the concert started everyone got really excited, it was a very happy concert."
credits: rain-asia
translate eng dsl99a, shown on MJJH

Oh, I'm so proud that he mentioned Msia. I can just cry in bliss.

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