Sunday, April 1, 2007

You MUST have like Rain very much

That was what the salesgirl said to me this afternoon whilst she wrapped my purchases. I finally got hold of It’s Raining (Rain’s 3rd cd). Actually I had to pre-order it from the store. The staff called me 5 days later informing me of the cd availability. It was last Thursday and I can hardly contain my excitement.
But not until today, Saturday that I managed to make the trip back to the store. After inspecting my latest treasure, I had asked the salesgirl to hold it first while I browse along the cd rack. And I also found, Full House and A Love to Kill OST cd. Alas, greed got the better of me and I bought it all, to the amusement of the salesgirl.

So here I am writing this whilst listening to ‘I Think’ (FH). Love this song!

I was at Border’s. At the Chinese mag section, where some curious eyes were on me figuring what the h*** am I doing there (I got use to that already), no I don’t know how to read Chinese or Korean for that matter but I was looking at this mag from Taiwan and yes, there was Rain but the mag turned out to be from 2006. No wonder Rain look a bit different from his current look. I prefer him now more than ever. I was contemplating whether to buy or not when I heard Danial’s calling out to me. Quickly, placing down the magazine I rushed to find him.

Before the outing, I actually managed to catch Rain on TVBS and TVB this morning. It was about Rain arriving for his concert in Taipei and an interview where he sneezed. Even this normal act of expelling foreign matter from one’s olfactory enough to press the panic button to all clouds around the globe ;-) Gosh, Rain must realize how lucky he is! Every single cloud is praying for his health.

credit: as tagged

Being a workaholic, I know Rain will give his 200% for his concert tonite. Nevertheless here’s wishing him all the best. Bi Aja! Aja! Fightin

Until then annyong-hi-chumuseyo from me.

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