Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm backkkkkk!!

Yes, I mean exactly that.

I don’t know where to begin. I was out of internet access since last Friday. Hence no update on this blog. After 6 days, 4 reports logged and 3 technicians later, today both phone line and broadband are finally fix. I usually leave all these stuffs to Angah, but he’s away in Perth and I’m left on my own to get it fix. I was so desperate that I had to use the lunch hour at the office to surf news about Rain in Sydney. I had to limit the searching to local fan blog only while other sites I had to forgo. It was such an ordeal not being able to get online. For 4 nights in a row, I slept at record breaking early 2230hr.

I was so depressed that I can’t even make myself to even watch TV, as usual. If it is not bcos of Rain, I’m so sure I’m suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). I can’t imagine what will happen to me (or people around me for that matter) if the internet breakdown prolongs.

But tonite I’m gonna rejoice. Thank God I got my access back. Gosh, I have so much of catching up to do!!

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