Sunday, April 1, 2007

A big scare

I was still drowsy from last nite’s late sleeping (0230hr to be exact) when angah dropped me the bomb. “Rain’s concert in Bangkok’s is postponed a week later from its original date”.

What? I jumped from the bed. Where did you hear that from? I asked. MTV last nite, he said and fell back to sleep. MTV are you sure? Why? I continued. “Not really sure but something to do with technical stuff that they had to change venue”, he continued.

I can't think straight. This can't be happening. Is this a bad dream or what? Felt like blood gushing to me head. My mind was so chaotic.

So many questions rushed to my mind all at once. Can I change the flight ticket? Is it still school holiday then? Can I prolong my leave or take more leave? OMG why is this happening to me?

Are you sure MTV said this? I asked again and again to my sleeping spouse. Saw him trying to hide behind the pillow, was it a smile or a smirk or plain irritation bcos I don’t let him sleep in peace? Suddenly he threw the pillow at me and shouted

‘APRIL FOOL' !!!! and laughed his heart out.

I stared at him like an idiot. Don’t know whether to feel angry or relief that it was actually just a big joke. Then I decided it was the latter and I took the pillow and hit him over and over again with it.

I almost died there just now, I told him. He was still laughing hard. Okay, okay pls let me continue my sleep, he pleaded. I let him go. I was just too thankful, that the whole thing was a prank. Phew!

Happy April Fool’s Day Everyone.

ps/my heart is still pounding

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