Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A one-sided affair wt Bi-Rain

This was supposed to post yesterday, but Angah was using the line whole nite.

Last Sunday, I went to cut my hair. It was suppose to be an ordinary event. Surprisingly it turned out to be a pleasant experience. After searching for my usual shop which I patronized twice last year, I found out that it had been replaced wt a new shop. The salesgirl persuaded me to get the ‘directors cut’ which cost more of cos’ but worth it bcos the director cum hair dresser cum boss cum shop owner had just recently returned fr London wt 22 years of ‘hair’ experience. Not to make any fuss, I said okay.

I don’t usually have a specific hair style that I want neither do I know what I want and I always depend on the hairdresser to suggest to me. But Leon was such a charm. He insisted I tell him how I spend my day and how do I usually treat my hair.

To summarize it all: I don’t have time and I couldn’t care less. But that was before. Not until recently, I start treating myself better. I started paying attention to my face, carefully applying eyeliner and lipstick (I don’t usually use makeup or rather not very good at it). And to date: I still stick to my moderate carb intake diet and the fact that I went to have this haircut is so that I will look more stylish perhaps?

Confession1: Actually all this makeover is a like a preparation for me to ‘what if I bum into Rain’? Ha! ha! As if I could bum into him anytime!!

The cut turned out to be gorgeous and outrageous in a stylish way. It should be, I paid about US61 for it. Never did I spend so much on haircut and highlight before. I could have kissed Leon when he guessed I was only in my late twenties and he almost dropped his scissor when I told him my real age. But wt the new hairstyle, he confessed I really fit the bill of late twenties bracket. If he was saying it just to please me, so be it. But actually I do get that comment often. Maybe it’s bcos of my small/petite built or maybe bcos of my childish behavior, I’m not too sure and I don't care.

Confession2: This sureal feeling that I'm experiencing is like, having an affair. But wt someone who is beyond your reach physically and emotionally and on top of it all doesn’t even know you exist!!

Nevertheless, I do feel good about myself and for that I’m thankful …to Rain.

I found this quote when I was reading a blog: ‘Congratulate yourselves if u have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of decorous age’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson

That should some up my Rain experience so far…

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bi-Rain, my inconvenient truth

Hooray, Bangkok has confirmed the dates for Rain's concert June 2-3. I've been waiting for this news like forever since I missed his concert in my own country. However, surprisingly it didn't gives much relieved. Maybe bcos of the bombing threat worry that Thai authority is cautioning its ppl and the fact that they are giving Rain a full force security. I'm sure Angah will worry and probably reluctant to let me go. My flight is already confirmed even though I have yet to purchase the concert tix.

I really want to see Rain perform live. It probably be my closure of him...approx another 3 months fr now. My friend was smirking at me when she heard me said this. I bet you become even worse, she said. You think so? I wont be able to get him off my system, even after 6 months? This is really punishing me. The dark circle under my eyes are really showing, now that I don't sleep early. Even as I'm writing this, I'm downloading his video on the other page.

Earlier today at the office, I was squealing wt delight when Channel V was playing With U and had almost everyone turn their attention to the screen where I stood transfixed.

When will this ever end?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rain-ed on me

I knocked off the alarm at 0530hr. My initial intention was to update the blog since I already missed a day. But I went back to sleep again.

It’s now 0936hr. My body felt as if it had been molded over and over again into a piece of unidentified sculpture. Translate: My whole body is aching plus sunburn on my face. Ooucch!!!
Yesterday's work began at about 1145hr on Saturday!! Okay.. but I have to wake up 2 hours earlier to get ready and drove up to office to pick up a colleague and drove to the OB site. To make it worse, I slept at 0500hr the nite before bcos I stayed up to watch Full House (serve me right!!). So with approx 4.5hrs sleep, I began my first outside broadcast (OB) tour since I hold my new position.

It was a street concert to commemorate wt Visit Msia Year, 50 years Independence and CNY. Fifty thousand crowd was expected to see the concert which also fell on the 7th day in the Chinese lunar calendar. Sun was scotching hot! Good sign since we don’t want it to rain as the stage has an open concept as not to block the existing big LCD screen across the street. After the sound check, it was the rehearsal. Seen some of the singers on TV before but don’t really know them. Some big names in local and Taiwan music scene (according to a friend): Nicholas Teo (sonia pasta fame), Gary Chow, Linyu Zhong, Z-Chen, Danial etc. Some of their fans already gathered there and screaming while waving banners as their fav artist rehearsing and it is only noon! Concert is scheduled to start at 8pm!!

Amusing but it could have easily been me if it was Rain performing! (now Rain has entered my thoughts).

pic courtesy of Bi-Rain-Jeong JiHoon fan site

A friend said the down side of being in this industry is that you don’t feel that excitement anymore when mixing wt stars bcos you are so used of working wt them. Well maybe not entirely, he added. There’s always ppl like Rain..did you go to his concert? I swear I almost kick him. Why oh why did he had to remind me of the tragedy of failing to go to Rain’s concert. Aargghh!

Then I was introduced to a mat salleh / kwai lo, oh by the way he’s was the organizer for Rain’s last concert here. (I think my friend trying his best to annoyed me) Hi, there nice meeting you, said the kwai lo. So did you go to Rain’s concert? It was a blast. We used state of the art bla!bla!bla! Guess, there’s no escaping Rain for me. Sigh… So I suffered the torment as I watched the dark clouds gathered.

Alas, it Rain…ed.

Even with the ‘rain medium’ hired by the concert team to work his spell to cast the dry spell, it cannot prevent Rain’s coming. Light drizzle became heavier. Fans and crew scrambled for shelter while the latter quickly pulling some cover onto our broadcast equipment. Friends around me were commenting that maybe bcos they talked too much about Rain as to tease me that it’s pouring Rain now.

I left the venue after the rain stopped. It was about 5pm. The concert was a blast, huge crowd from the look of it on TV. Rain had washed away the day's heat and people were having fun welcoming the cool atmosphere.

I was too tired to check out the net last nite. Dozed off at 2230hr. The earliest time recorded so far after I’ve known Bi-Rain.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Getting over Bi-Rain

Have you got over Rain yet?

It has been a long CNY weekend. Many of my colleagues are not back yet fr leave. So a friend called me up in the office after 6 days and asked so have you got over Rain yet? And I slowly answered aaa.....I'm afraid not....

Last night, I was communicating wt some of Bi other fans in the other part of the world. US to be exact. Wild bunch of happy, honest and fun women, my age and even older. They were unabashed to shout out or proclaimed their love, admiration and infatuation towards Rain. Me on the other hand....filled wt reservations although I know I don't have to bcos no one will judge me, everybody is equally crazy over him. Want a piece of him.

Maybe that's it. I don't want a piece of him! I don't want to be his fan!!

I just want to be a friend.

A friend doesn't care about who you are dating as long as both you and your partner is happy. Doesn't have to dig about your news in the net/paper bcos a friend will call or write you a one liner email to keep in touch and update you and even if its once or twice in a year but that's sufficient enough. And when you are no longer a chart topping superstar..a friend will always be there to laugh at your old antics when you were famous and still brag about how good you were then.

But I guess that is too much to ask for. Duh!! of cos every fans want to be Bi-Rain's friend. Who am I trying to kid?

Is it wrong to be feeling or acting this way? Sometimes, no make that most of the time...I do felt ridiculous especially when I couldn't stop thinking bout things I read or video that I watched that involved Bi. Sometimes I also felt suffocated and wondering when this is all going to be over.

I guess only time will tell.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Keeping fit - Rain style

I survived 72hrs without access to Internet. How?? The old fashion way. Books of cos!! Thanx to Dan Brown's Angels&Demons. It was so engaging that finishing 619 pages was a breeze. But not without Rain's help. I can't surf any news on him so I had his music playing over and over again in my earphone to block off external noise (kids arguing over PS2 game, mom making the woks singing in the kitchen, TV blasting, etc) as I'm concentrating in finishing reading my novel. I think at 1 go, I had all 14 tracks spinned for about 4 times non stop. Phew!! That doesn't include leaving the SonyEricsson on speaker to play his tunes, while I go brush my teeth or change my clothes.

pic courtesy of fan site kowlooncity (love your site charlie)

At the moment, the good thing that comes out from this whole experience (apart from starting this blog) is that I'm starting to lose weight. No it's not what you think. I still eat. Heck a lot but..nowadays I watch what I eat. I use to be 51kg, last measurement down by 1kg, yipee!! I hope to get to 46-47kg so I can get back into my favourite jeans.

My problem usually is I can roughly control my diet during weekdays at work but weekends or holidays are disastrous period bcos these are family outing days and being a sweet tooth person really doesn't help. But hey, I'm getting there hopefully wt Rain's help. But how on earth does it relate to Rain you asked?? He!He! I know, I know, how can me being obsess wt a Korean singer can contribute to weight loss. Hmm..easy. Previously I don't have the drive to watch what I eat but now I do. You see, I secretly (well since you are reading this, it's no longer a secret I guess) harbouring a dream of meeting Rain in person. If I do meet him, ie. he asked me to come up on stage to sing wt him...naah not that dramatic; maybe signing an autograph for me etc ..I want to look MY BEST. So if that dream works for me to lose weight then let me dream on. Baskin Robbins, DunkinDonut, Famous Amos and Auntie Anne pretzels use to call out to me (and most of the time I cant resist) whenever I'm near their stall at the mall but somehow their calling became less attractive nowadays.

I'm also seriously thinking about joining a dance class. Not the hardcore -dance to perform etc but one for exercise purpose. To keep myself fit and healthy. Since I'm too lazy to exercise why don't I do something which interest me instead and gain from it ie. dancing. I use to dance for my school and college, but mostly traditional dance. But be it modern, hip hop or traditional dance, I know the practice will definitely drench you in sweat. I thought of looking into line dancing. Who knows I may influence the class to dance to his music too (ok, dreaming again)

I'll look into that tomorrow-dance class!! Maybe i should write a book on this? How to motivate you to keep slim for life - find your Rain-bow :-)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Rain's Calling (much too late)

Tomorrow, or rather today (bcos its now 0152hr) is a start of a long festive holiday weekend. 4 days altogether. Work load is building up. Due to CNY, I'll be covering 3 ppl for the rest of next week all by myself. Don't know how I'm gonna pull it off but I guess I just have to.

Will be travelling back hometown (up north) and I don't think I'll be getting access to Internet there. Wondering, how am I going to survive without my dose of Rain news no matter how small for the next 4 days?? sigh..

Just able to gather some courage to stick Bi's photo here. Saw some of his latest photos in China (promoting FH), to me he looks tired. I keep telling myself that sooner or later, I that will get over this infatuation and start writing bout other stuffs too. But that defeat the purpose of having this blog right? Its actually an avenue for me to pour my heart out, without being judge by ppl who know me or my peers.
Having trouble downloading FH video fr. YouTube. I'm so not web savvy. Guess I have to do it the old way, get the VCD and watch it. The gals in the fan site talked about this diary where it has Rain photos in it. I'm contemplating on whether to go and search for it at Tower Records and use it during my meetings. Imagine the look of the other senior managers if they see me with that!!!
I have two large posters of Rain with me, still in its original form (roll up). Don't know where I can display it. Maybe if I get a bigger cubicle at work, I can hang there (hoping). No chance at home. I'll drive everyone mad. Or worse still, they think I'm nut. Angah already shook his head in disapproval several times whenever he sees me surfing on Rain.
Oh Bi, why do you appear so late in my life. I could have enjoy this craze then instead of having to justify myself over and over again. I envy the others.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finally watching Rain's Full Hse

Around me people are comparing notes on how they've spent their VDay yesterday. My female colleague (single gal) told me during our Secret Recipe lunch that she would probably spent her night watching depressing movies (those that make you cry). Like what? I asked. I am Sam, she said. Ooh, nasty. I don't have to ask why, but I guess it's an excuse for her to cry on this supposed to be romantic nite's for couples earth wide.

What will you do, her turn to ask me. The usual, was my answer.

So there I was like many nites before, surfing on Rain. This time I found Full Hse on the net. I refused watching it before bcos back then I felt the actor (yes, I refer to Rain as that) was too boyish for me. But since I know more of Rain (the person) now, I guess I can watch it without worrying too much of his boyish look. Coincidentally, Rain is now in China promoting the said drama.

Guess it's not a bad choice for V Day, dont you think?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day Jeong-ssi

I don't have any special date or plan for Valentine's Day, but somehow I'm content.

Lately, apart from my monstrous task plus giant responsibility as a new manager at work - thanks to Rain, I still do smile a lot. How can you stand looking at his Mohawk hairstyle in the Giordano ad/print and his ear to ear grin without at least smile. Well, I do at least every 11min if I don't touch my PC screen bcos that is when the screen savers come up. But sometimes, when I'm too busy, the only time I see it (screen saver) is when I come back to my desk after a meeting or after lunch break; then I will just stop to admire his pictures. He sure knows how to pose!

Read another detailed biography of him, which was written probably 3-4yrs ago (when he was still struggling to make it into the entertainment industry in Korea). It's kinda sad. I am so very glad for him that he make this far and I'm sure he will go even further in future. He brings joy to so many people with his music, charms his fans wt his dance moves and stirred their emotion wt his acting skills and personal gestures therefore he deserves to be happy too.

As a (self-elect) friend, I pray that he is not alone, that he has someone to confide to and he has time to stop and smell the roses. And that he is content and happy in his own way, however hectic it maybe (like me).

Have a beautiful, meaningful, colorful Valentine's Day, dear Jeong-ssi.

ps/ to everyone else who's reading this entry as well. Peace in our hearts.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Song dedication to Bi-Rain

I'm downloading Bi's video in another window, so I thot' I'll update my blog at the same time.

This morning while tuning to Grammy Awards LIVE at work, I heard a song that brings back a lot of memory. It's 'Hello' by Lionel Ritchie. I was very fortunate that someone very dear to me (then and now) had once sang and dedicated this song to me (when I was 14yrs old - gosh, that was such a long time ago!!). Lyrics is so beautiful and meaningful that it is a joy not to mention flattering to receive such dedication.

Since I've been feeling like a 14yr old again the moment I allow Rain to enter my current phase of life, so I'm gonna dedicate this beautiful song to a person who has make me smile, act silly, forget who I am and brings out the child in me again for the past few weeks - a new found friend (thou' you dont know who I am).

To my Rain bow (Bi-Rain)

Ive been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams Ive kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Is it me youre looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You've all Ive ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
Because you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again
How much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Ive just got to let you know
Because I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely?
Or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I havent got a clue
But let me start by saying
I love you
(song and lyrics by Lionel Ritchie)

Sincerely, Leo (your unknown friend)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rain aftermath

I wasn't in my best mood today. The sleeping late to surf the net for news on Rain before updating my blog has finally taken its toll. So i thought I write early tonite.

The first thing I remembered when I woke up this morning was to get into the net!!!!! But I can't. Or rather chose not to. Pls god, help me to lead my life as normal as possible..long before this craze took over me.

Angah had left to catch the 1800hr flight and will only be back on Friday nite. There's no guessing but I'll be celebrating Valentine's Day alone this year. Maybe I won't even notice it since I'll be too occupied in finding and digging the net for the latest or even old news about Bi. My colleague said that I have a split personality when it comes to Rain. I do??

Sometimes I wonder, how long will this infatuation last? Can I stop caring? Can I just ignore the urge to know what is he been up to lately? Part of me want to do just that. I felt foolish behaving like this but I just can't stop myself. The more I tried to ignore, the harder it become. So I'm just going to give in. Just go wt the flow until my mind and body can't take it anymore than I guess I'll stop (even the thought of it gives me goosebumps!!).

Maybe if I'm in my twenties, I would never gave it a hoot. Maybe, maybe. Read in Her World mag that a survey by AC Nielsen found that 49% Msians agreed that the 30s are now the new 20s and 54% considered the 40s the new 30s. wonder..

But to be honest, I never think I'm old (before). In fact, I don't even keep track of how old I am and have to always calculate minus the year etc to remember my age. Not that I'm in denial but it just doesn't matter to me (well not until recently when I start discovering Rain). Nevertheless, I still have so many things to do starting wt - seeing Rain perform live in his concert. (hopefully, that will come true in June).

Till then, I will have to be contend in watching the PC of I'm Cyborg, but that's okay in Berlin where Rain spotted of having a longer hair-do almost like his character in Injuksa (ALove2Kill).
and to listen to him answering questions..

His voice to die for ;-)

English Lesson for Bi-Rain (Pt 2)

One day I discovered that I had a hidden talent

It was during school recces, a girl approached me and asked if I want to play 'one leg'. It's a game where you chase one another using just one leg. I often see the girls playing but nobody ever asked me to play wt them before. Being small and very thin, the game became a breeze for me. I was unbeatable. Instead of hopping like the rest on one leg, I literally flew.

The news of my flying talent (hopping wt one leg) was spreading like wild fire. Within overnite I became an instant school star. Everybody wants to be in 'my' team. One day, I received an invitation to play wt the more 'popular' group of girls (being labelled weirdo before, I kept myself company with the 'normal' group of girls). While I was contemplating whether to accept or not, I saw fear in my friends eyes..not that they were afraid I will lose and make a fool of myself but they feared I will not return to them again. So I made a deal, I will only play wt the popular girls if they allow my friends to be in my team.

So my nightmare finally stops...

Although I 've been accepted in my new school but I still felt inferior. Especially when it comes to English. I cant make myself to speak or utter English words to my friends for fear it might sound funny or wrong. I desperately wanted to become like the rest of the girls. In my school back then, the popular girls which I mentioned before were comprised of a group of girls who came from a rich family whereby their parents are either doctors or lawyers or high ranking civil servants, and they speak fluent English. Two girls really stood up fr. the rest. Anna and Angelina. They both looked like twins. Pretty with doll like face and bob hairdo (althou' i don't recall that both of them came fr the said background but they always hang out together).
My English teacher always called either one of them to read out passage in the text book because they read it effortlessly. How I envy both of them and secretly wish i could become like them.

Lucky me, i fell in love wt poems. The teacher whom taught us will explain what each poem meant to her and i really felt drawn to every poem. I would read and reread them in my own quiet time until I memorise each word and in the process learn to pronounce and understand its meaning. One hot afternoon, our class was being held up so we ended in the school hall instead. To pass the time, the teacher start asking every pupil to recite or read out loud one poem each. So everybody started to read out from their copy of poems from the exercise books. I suddenly realised that I don't have to read from the book bcos I've already memorised everything by heart. The question is which poem should i recite. My heart was beating so loud that I feared somebody could actually hear it. There is one poem which i love very much and it's a 2 page long. The words are difficult and it has deep meaning. It's called My World. Across the room I heard Anna is reading the same poem so did Angelina. Both were reading it out from the pages nevertheless got a loud appreciation from the class. Who am i trying to kid? Trying to recite the most difficult poems ever taught by our teacher. Only girls like A n A would be able to pull something like this..even they read it from the book! I could hear the teacher calling out my name. With cold sweat I stood and clasped my hand together ...and begin ..My World

I was transformed back to my room where each nite I said out loud each word by looking at myself in the mirror imagining I'm saying it to someone else other than myself.

And the rest as they said is history.

I conquered my fear of English. In the same year, I auditioned and acted in an English school play. Years later, I got 2nd highest mark among 240 students in the English acceptance test in my boarding school and the girl who got the highest mark is my best friend of 20+ years (she's now residing in LA). Together we represented our boarding school as English debaters.

So if I can do it, Jeong-ssi will definitely can! His talent is much greater then my 'one leg hopping'. I found my inkling in poems while he can find it in the English lyrics of the songs he sings. My ambition was only to become one of the girls while he's is to conquer the world's entertainment industry. He must overcome this small hurdle by practising often enough (i talked to myself in the mirror remembering words of poems) his dance steps. Practice makes perfect.

If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort - Dave Weinbaum

To me Jeong-ssi aka Bi-Rain has both.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

English lesson for Bi-Rain (Pt 1)

I can't sleep last nite. Twist and turn. Last check on the time it was 0241hr. After that I don't bother to check anymore.

Not sure what time, I finally dozed off.

I read somewhere that Rain's English tutor was once his bodyguard and he is a native English speaker. Not sure how true this is. Anyways I was watching a video clip of his performance in Vegas which he greeted his fans in English. There's nothing wrong wt it but it doesn't sound like spontaneous. It sounded rehearsed therefore it didn't come across as sincere to me. Don't get me wrong, i don't meant to criticize him. I know that Rain is trying very hard to improve his English. His loyal fans wouldn't care less. They will love, support and cheered him, like in Vegas and anywhere else.

But I care!! And I want him to improve.

Not bcos i prefer him singing in English, he's already done that amazingly and besides i prefer him singing in Korean even i don't understand a single word (but i think i can understand a word or two now). The point is, he's a very ambitious person. He wants to conquer the world wt his music and talent. And what better way, to reach out to his fans around the globe by speaking a common language. Imagine the endless possibility it can do for him. Talking from his heart without having to be interpreted. I don't want to see a free spirit like him being held back just because of language barrier. It pained me to see him in an interview where he has to wait for interpretation. I want him to soar and fly...

I'm not saying its easy, but it is not impossible either. Bcos i've been thru it myself.

I was nine when my family moved back to peninsular Malaysia from Sarawak. Being in a rural army camp school for 2 years in Sibu Sarawak back then didn't give me much room to learn or speak in English. I was then transferred to a Convent school. And my life became hell. Almost everybody was conversing in English, i don't even understand what the teacher is trying to teach me, i cant even spell w-i-n-d-o-w. To make matter worst, there were so many things I've never done before in my entire 9 years of i never eat noodle wt chopstick before. The first time i tried to hold a chopstick, I held one at each hand while trying to scoop the noodle and I can hear the laughter rang all across the canteen area like a tidal wave. It was so humiliating. All girls school can be very mean. In short, I was a weirdo girl who can't speak English and have no friends.

I cried every time I reach home from school.

to be continued

Friday, February 9, 2007

Rain - bow

You know what? You're behaving like someone who has her first crush or something?!.. as a reply i flashed to my office colleague an ear to ear smile (like Bi) :-)

She commented earlier that I have transformed literally overnite into a hardcore Rain fan. Naah..i dont think so. I believe I do have some control over myself.

It has been 12 days since Rain's concert in KL and my office desk is fulled wt newspaper cutting on his concert in every language courtesy of my 'astounded' friends. I have all 14tracks of his new album in my phone (2 songs become a ringtone), in my pda, in my office pc, in my car (cd), in my laptop and also a cd in my handbag (just in case). I will play his songs while getting dressed to go to work ( i have to restraint myself from taking my Sony Ericsson's into the shower wt me). I try not to think about Rain too much while I'm at work, i have to be professional here (not until 48hours ago I was promoted to a managerial position - well that's another story). Anyways I'm alright until MTV or Channel V starts playing In My Bed. My cubicle is surrounded by TVs, big and small -I'm in a broadcast company remember? Then I will start my silly grin to myself trying to remember what i saw in You Tube last nite and of cos' bug my colleague by updating her my latest info on Bi; you know what Rain said in bla...bla...bla

Still, everything is under control.

My night routine has changed from Dan Brown or Miami CSI or 2000hr of beauty sleep to.. login into the net, check the local Rain website (make couple of wonderful friends there), then to another group in YouTube (another happening people) and of cos my blog.

Rain makes me smile. I know that JPY named him Rain after feeling that there is a sadness in him. And Rain also wants his fans to associate the rain to him long after he leave the industry but to me, he is a Rain bow. He makes me smile.

And my life routine turns upside down.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Jeong JiHun aka Bi aka Rain

It was Saturday Jan 27. I was actually sulking the whole day. Nothing i do was right. The Malays call it 'mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang' (even if i bathe i don't feel wet, even if i eat i wont be full). All i keep thinking about was 'I'm goin to miss his concert bcos i cant find anybody my age to go wt'??!! Isn't it pathetic? Yet i felt exactly that.

So I missed Rain's concert in KL

That evening after we got home from our outing, I cried silently alone in the bathroom...

I never felt anything like this for a long time. I'm acting like a kid. Crying over a Korean singer??? What has got into me? I cant share something like this to my peers, it is so ridiculous.!! A professional working woman of 30+ behaving like.....whatever you called it??

But the emotional dilemma in me was so strong that i had to find an escape route.

As if to punish myself, i went to the net and buried myself wt every news on Rain plus i managed to get hold of 'A Love To Kill' video starring who else..
Within 3 nites alone I managed to cover the whole 16 episodes, sleeping at 0230hr in the morning and the climax was on Saturday nite at 0400. And on top of that i cried a few rivers.

Did i mention earlier that i'm a cryin freak? I cry easily, in fact too easy. If there is ever a cryin factory..I will be the ONE. I cried when I watched cartoon movies like Happy Feet, Cars even commercials hmm..that's why i hate sad movies. There was one time in the flight to London, i was watching ladder 49 and was cryin so hard that i had difficulty in breathing bcos of my stuffy nose and i almost choked. Don't have any tissue wt me so i blew into the flight blankets. Thank god that the person next to me was sound asleep!!

and i still don't get over him yet

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


By that time there were only the xpensive tix left. But my major problem is, who's gonna go wt me? Asked around in the office. I work in a broadcast station, Rain is an international star. Come on! Truly there must be someone who wants to see him perform. Somebody mentioned about someone who's apparently a big fan of Rain. Ok i thought, this might be my lucky day. Called her up, would you like to go to Rain's concert wt me? After 3 mins of hearing about i love his body, the way he tear off his clothes bla! bla! ..Yeah i know it's difficult to get tix at this time around but if i manage to secure it will you come? But to my disappointment she's has budget constraint and she would rather buy his concert dvd and see him tear his clothes over and over again. Well, i guess our interest are different although the subject is the same.

So back to square one. Everyone around me either waiting for free tix or wants me to sponsor them a ticket. Yeah right!! Desperate, i went to the net searching frantically for some light about the concert and the tix availability and also more of my new found quest called Rain.

Then the truth hits hits me bad

In my pursuit to know more of Bi (now i know how he's known in his native S. Korea), i went to some local and foreign blogs and what i found scared me. Not due to whatever Rain facts that were written or video clips or his biography but the fact that I think I'm the only 30+ woman in the site. It is full with young teenage school girls...

God, I never felt so old in my entire life!!!

It is so hard to participate in the communication since everyone went goo goo ga ga over his killer smile and his body. So what do you like about Rain ? (i'm not qualified to call him Bi oppa, since i'm older than him). Well, i love all 14 tracks in his 4th album, good voice, excellent dance moves since i'm also into Timberlake and Usher, his looks has matured and of cos his promise to his mom and the fact that he doesn't smoke or drink. Hah! Imagine the look of all these girls?? I cringed imagining if the conversation ever takes place. Which century are you from, they might asked me.

So i buried my fascination and frustration..i buried it deep..but maybe not deep enough.

To be continued..

Monday, February 5, 2007


For the past 2 years, i only know him as Rain aka Justin Timberlake from Korea (well at least to me that's how I began to notice him). From the mv 'I do' (which I only learned the title not until recently), i know he can dance very well. Cute ..but not to my fancy. That's why i don't intend to watch the drama Full House (bcos he looks ..well just too boyish for me).

Come Dec 2006, i saw the mv Rain's Coming followed by In My Bed on MTV. His look has change to more matured and grown up. Plus i like the new songs. Angah bought Rain's 4th album cd in Tower records after the shop played it on their stereo (originally he intended to buy an Indonesian group cd and ended up wt 2 cds instead). It came wt a poster plus Rain is scheduled to have a concert in KL.

Don't you want to go to his concert? Angah asked me one day. Tix is not that xpensive. (RM82, 100+, 200+,300+, etc till 750 or so). He meant there is also cheap tix price if i want to go. Nope was my answer. Somehow I sensed the concert will be filled wt screaming teenage girls and I will be better off listening to his cd's and watching him in tv instead. Besides, his already an Asian superstar and at that young age,.. for sure it comes wt an attitude as well. So don't bother..

Boy was i wrong!!

A week before his concert, there was a write up about him in the Star. The article mentioned about his humble beginnings, about him not eating due to financial constraint, his mother, her diabetic, her death and her advice to him which he held so dearly until today and that transpires clearly in his every action. From his politeness, constant strive to be the best performer and endless energy. The fact that Rain honoured his mom's word so dearly really touches me. Actually it made cry. I love him for that just 1 fact. I'm converted! I'm now a fan! So I've decided that starting that day onwards that I'm going to support him (as if he doesn't have any or enough support from his worldwide fans).

Little I know, that my insignificant decision on that day will affect me deeply.

To be continued..

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The 'urge'

Testing, testing, here goes..

The urge of owning a blog was never this strong then this few past 9 days, ..why ..bcos i suddenly feel so bottled up and need to let it out, cliche..anyways cliche or not that is how i feel. On what actually fuels this urge, well that i'll ..elaborate soon in my next entry.

At first I tried to ignore the 'urge' by giving excuses like when will i find the time to write, what if ppl that know me judge or laugh for that matter on what i write in here and so on....but i guess 'the urge' wins.

I've decided this is for me. For the 'cry leo' in me hence the email add.

As for now I'm gonna marvel at my achievement in posting my initial thot of the hour (who know's i might write more than once in a day)
