Monday, February 5, 2007


For the past 2 years, i only know him as Rain aka Justin Timberlake from Korea (well at least to me that's how I began to notice him). From the mv 'I do' (which I only learned the title not until recently), i know he can dance very well. Cute ..but not to my fancy. That's why i don't intend to watch the drama Full House (bcos he looks ..well just too boyish for me).

Come Dec 2006, i saw the mv Rain's Coming followed by In My Bed on MTV. His look has change to more matured and grown up. Plus i like the new songs. Angah bought Rain's 4th album cd in Tower records after the shop played it on their stereo (originally he intended to buy an Indonesian group cd and ended up wt 2 cds instead). It came wt a poster plus Rain is scheduled to have a concert in KL.

Don't you want to go to his concert? Angah asked me one day. Tix is not that xpensive. (RM82, 100+, 200+,300+, etc till 750 or so). He meant there is also cheap tix price if i want to go. Nope was my answer. Somehow I sensed the concert will be filled wt screaming teenage girls and I will be better off listening to his cd's and watching him in tv instead. Besides, his already an Asian superstar and at that young age,.. for sure it comes wt an attitude as well. So don't bother..

Boy was i wrong!!

A week before his concert, there was a write up about him in the Star. The article mentioned about his humble beginnings, about him not eating due to financial constraint, his mother, her diabetic, her death and her advice to him which he held so dearly until today and that transpires clearly in his every action. From his politeness, constant strive to be the best performer and endless energy. The fact that Rain honoured his mom's word so dearly really touches me. Actually it made cry. I love him for that just 1 fact. I'm converted! I'm now a fan! So I've decided that starting that day onwards that I'm going to support him (as if he doesn't have any or enough support from his worldwide fans).

Little I know, that my insignificant decision on that day will affect me deeply.

To be continued..

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