Monday, February 19, 2007

Keeping fit - Rain style

I survived 72hrs without access to Internet. How?? The old fashion way. Books of cos!! Thanx to Dan Brown's Angels&Demons. It was so engaging that finishing 619 pages was a breeze. But not without Rain's help. I can't surf any news on him so I had his music playing over and over again in my earphone to block off external noise (kids arguing over PS2 game, mom making the woks singing in the kitchen, TV blasting, etc) as I'm concentrating in finishing reading my novel. I think at 1 go, I had all 14 tracks spinned for about 4 times non stop. Phew!! That doesn't include leaving the SonyEricsson on speaker to play his tunes, while I go brush my teeth or change my clothes.

pic courtesy of fan site kowlooncity (love your site charlie)

At the moment, the good thing that comes out from this whole experience (apart from starting this blog) is that I'm starting to lose weight. No it's not what you think. I still eat. Heck a lot but..nowadays I watch what I eat. I use to be 51kg, last measurement down by 1kg, yipee!! I hope to get to 46-47kg so I can get back into my favourite jeans.

My problem usually is I can roughly control my diet during weekdays at work but weekends or holidays are disastrous period bcos these are family outing days and being a sweet tooth person really doesn't help. But hey, I'm getting there hopefully wt Rain's help. But how on earth does it relate to Rain you asked?? He!He! I know, I know, how can me being obsess wt a Korean singer can contribute to weight loss. Hmm..easy. Previously I don't have the drive to watch what I eat but now I do. You see, I secretly (well since you are reading this, it's no longer a secret I guess) harbouring a dream of meeting Rain in person. If I do meet him, ie. he asked me to come up on stage to sing wt him...naah not that dramatic; maybe signing an autograph for me etc ..I want to look MY BEST. So if that dream works for me to lose weight then let me dream on. Baskin Robbins, DunkinDonut, Famous Amos and Auntie Anne pretzels use to call out to me (and most of the time I cant resist) whenever I'm near their stall at the mall but somehow their calling became less attractive nowadays.

I'm also seriously thinking about joining a dance class. Not the hardcore -dance to perform etc but one for exercise purpose. To keep myself fit and healthy. Since I'm too lazy to exercise why don't I do something which interest me instead and gain from it ie. dancing. I use to dance for my school and college, but mostly traditional dance. But be it modern, hip hop or traditional dance, I know the practice will definitely drench you in sweat. I thought of looking into line dancing. Who knows I may influence the class to dance to his music too (ok, dreaming again)

I'll look into that tomorrow-dance class!! Maybe i should write a book on this? How to motivate you to keep slim for life - find your Rain-bow :-)

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