Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bi-Rain, my inconvenient truth

Hooray, Bangkok has confirmed the dates for Rain's concert June 2-3. I've been waiting for this news like forever since I missed his concert in my own country. However, surprisingly it didn't gives much relieved. Maybe bcos of the bombing threat worry that Thai authority is cautioning its ppl and the fact that they are giving Rain a full force security. I'm sure Angah will worry and probably reluctant to let me go. My flight is already confirmed even though I have yet to purchase the concert tix.

I really want to see Rain perform live. It probably be my closure of him...approx another 3 months fr now. My friend was smirking at me when she heard me said this. I bet you become even worse, she said. You think so? I wont be able to get him off my system, even after 6 months? This is really punishing me. The dark circle under my eyes are really showing, now that I don't sleep early. Even as I'm writing this, I'm downloading his video on the other page.

Earlier today at the office, I was squealing wt delight when Channel V was playing With U and had almost everyone turn their attention to the screen where I stood transfixed.

When will this ever end?

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