Thursday, February 8, 2007

Jeong JiHun aka Bi aka Rain

It was Saturday Jan 27. I was actually sulking the whole day. Nothing i do was right. The Malays call it 'mandi tak basah, makan tak kenyang' (even if i bathe i don't feel wet, even if i eat i wont be full). All i keep thinking about was 'I'm goin to miss his concert bcos i cant find anybody my age to go wt'??!! Isn't it pathetic? Yet i felt exactly that.

So I missed Rain's concert in KL

That evening after we got home from our outing, I cried silently alone in the bathroom...

I never felt anything like this for a long time. I'm acting like a kid. Crying over a Korean singer??? What has got into me? I cant share something like this to my peers, it is so ridiculous.!! A professional working woman of 30+ behaving like.....whatever you called it??

But the emotional dilemma in me was so strong that i had to find an escape route.

As if to punish myself, i went to the net and buried myself wt every news on Rain plus i managed to get hold of 'A Love To Kill' video starring who else..
Within 3 nites alone I managed to cover the whole 16 episodes, sleeping at 0230hr in the morning and the climax was on Saturday nite at 0400. And on top of that i cried a few rivers.

Did i mention earlier that i'm a cryin freak? I cry easily, in fact too easy. If there is ever a cryin factory..I will be the ONE. I cried when I watched cartoon movies like Happy Feet, Cars even commercials hmm..that's why i hate sad movies. There was one time in the flight to London, i was watching ladder 49 and was cryin so hard that i had difficulty in breathing bcos of my stuffy nose and i almost choked. Don't have any tissue wt me so i blew into the flight blankets. Thank god that the person next to me was sound asleep!!

and i still don't get over him yet

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