Sunday, February 4, 2007

The 'urge'

Testing, testing, here goes..

The urge of owning a blog was never this strong then this few past 9 days, ..why ..bcos i suddenly feel so bottled up and need to let it out, cliche..anyways cliche or not that is how i feel. On what actually fuels this urge, well that i'll ..elaborate soon in my next entry.

At first I tried to ignore the 'urge' by giving excuses like when will i find the time to write, what if ppl that know me judge or laugh for that matter on what i write in here and so on....but i guess 'the urge' wins.

I've decided this is for me. For the 'cry leo' in me hence the email add.

As for now I'm gonna marvel at my achievement in posting my initial thot of the hour (who know's i might write more than once in a day)


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