Sunday, February 25, 2007

Rain-ed on me

I knocked off the alarm at 0530hr. My initial intention was to update the blog since I already missed a day. But I went back to sleep again.

It’s now 0936hr. My body felt as if it had been molded over and over again into a piece of unidentified sculpture. Translate: My whole body is aching plus sunburn on my face. Ooucch!!!
Yesterday's work began at about 1145hr on Saturday!! Okay.. but I have to wake up 2 hours earlier to get ready and drove up to office to pick up a colleague and drove to the OB site. To make it worse, I slept at 0500hr the nite before bcos I stayed up to watch Full House (serve me right!!). So with approx 4.5hrs sleep, I began my first outside broadcast (OB) tour since I hold my new position.

It was a street concert to commemorate wt Visit Msia Year, 50 years Independence and CNY. Fifty thousand crowd was expected to see the concert which also fell on the 7th day in the Chinese lunar calendar. Sun was scotching hot! Good sign since we don’t want it to rain as the stage has an open concept as not to block the existing big LCD screen across the street. After the sound check, it was the rehearsal. Seen some of the singers on TV before but don’t really know them. Some big names in local and Taiwan music scene (according to a friend): Nicholas Teo (sonia pasta fame), Gary Chow, Linyu Zhong, Z-Chen, Danial etc. Some of their fans already gathered there and screaming while waving banners as their fav artist rehearsing and it is only noon! Concert is scheduled to start at 8pm!!

Amusing but it could have easily been me if it was Rain performing! (now Rain has entered my thoughts).

pic courtesy of Bi-Rain-Jeong JiHoon fan site

A friend said the down side of being in this industry is that you don’t feel that excitement anymore when mixing wt stars bcos you are so used of working wt them. Well maybe not entirely, he added. There’s always ppl like Rain..did you go to his concert? I swear I almost kick him. Why oh why did he had to remind me of the tragedy of failing to go to Rain’s concert. Aargghh!

Then I was introduced to a mat salleh / kwai lo, oh by the way he’s was the organizer for Rain’s last concert here. (I think my friend trying his best to annoyed me) Hi, there nice meeting you, said the kwai lo. So did you go to Rain’s concert? It was a blast. We used state of the art bla!bla!bla! Guess, there’s no escaping Rain for me. Sigh… So I suffered the torment as I watched the dark clouds gathered.

Alas, it Rain…ed.

Even with the ‘rain medium’ hired by the concert team to work his spell to cast the dry spell, it cannot prevent Rain’s coming. Light drizzle became heavier. Fans and crew scrambled for shelter while the latter quickly pulling some cover onto our broadcast equipment. Friends around me were commenting that maybe bcos they talked too much about Rain as to tease me that it’s pouring Rain now.

I left the venue after the rain stopped. It was about 5pm. The concert was a blast, huge crowd from the look of it on TV. Rain had washed away the day's heat and people were having fun welcoming the cool atmosphere.

I was too tired to check out the net last nite. Dozed off at 2230hr. The earliest time recorded so far after I’ve known Bi-Rain.

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