Saturday, February 10, 2007

English lesson for Bi-Rain (Pt 1)

I can't sleep last nite. Twist and turn. Last check on the time it was 0241hr. After that I don't bother to check anymore.

Not sure what time, I finally dozed off.

I read somewhere that Rain's English tutor was once his bodyguard and he is a native English speaker. Not sure how true this is. Anyways I was watching a video clip of his performance in Vegas which he greeted his fans in English. There's nothing wrong wt it but it doesn't sound like spontaneous. It sounded rehearsed therefore it didn't come across as sincere to me. Don't get me wrong, i don't meant to criticize him. I know that Rain is trying very hard to improve his English. His loyal fans wouldn't care less. They will love, support and cheered him, like in Vegas and anywhere else.

But I care!! And I want him to improve.

Not bcos i prefer him singing in English, he's already done that amazingly and besides i prefer him singing in Korean even i don't understand a single word (but i think i can understand a word or two now). The point is, he's a very ambitious person. He wants to conquer the world wt his music and talent. And what better way, to reach out to his fans around the globe by speaking a common language. Imagine the endless possibility it can do for him. Talking from his heart without having to be interpreted. I don't want to see a free spirit like him being held back just because of language barrier. It pained me to see him in an interview where he has to wait for interpretation. I want him to soar and fly...

I'm not saying its easy, but it is not impossible either. Bcos i've been thru it myself.

I was nine when my family moved back to peninsular Malaysia from Sarawak. Being in a rural army camp school for 2 years in Sibu Sarawak back then didn't give me much room to learn or speak in English. I was then transferred to a Convent school. And my life became hell. Almost everybody was conversing in English, i don't even understand what the teacher is trying to teach me, i cant even spell w-i-n-d-o-w. To make matter worst, there were so many things I've never done before in my entire 9 years of i never eat noodle wt chopstick before. The first time i tried to hold a chopstick, I held one at each hand while trying to scoop the noodle and I can hear the laughter rang all across the canteen area like a tidal wave. It was so humiliating. All girls school can be very mean. In short, I was a weirdo girl who can't speak English and have no friends.

I cried every time I reach home from school.

to be continued


Anonymous said...

I agree.. he can do soo much without language barrier. But I believe he can converse in English now! Well, at least small talk :) cause I've seen video clips of him speaking and giving commands in English and stuff.. even throw back a few words here and there.

True that he rehearsed those lines (he used the same one for every single concert after.. calling the fans his babies.. same exact words, man i wish he at least changed up the words a bit! lol), but I think it wasn't "spontaneous" for him because he's not completely comfortable with the language yet.. and he always wants to be professionals.. doesn't wasn't mess ups if it can be avoided (even thoguh he should know by now we don't care! we'd go crazy anyway! we listen to him in a language we cannot understand so does it matter if he stumbles over a few words.. I'd think it's cute..haha). so he rehearses it. he's so close to being on top.... and that one day when he;s on top of the world, he'll be able to speak English fluently and make us all so proud by uniting so many different countries and people from different race, ethnicities, culture, and languages ^^ yayyyy hahaha.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggle, but hey at least you're comfortable now right? ^^ (i hope!) don't worry.. I stopped using chopsticks for a while and started using forks more.. man I completely forgot how to use chopsticks ]: and people make fun of me for it because I'm Asian, apsh.

btw I'm just a random person that happened to find your blog:)

Anonymous said...

wowowo that ws long sorry LOL

Anonymous said...

oh hey I left a comment before.. didn't know that hehe (x