Sunday, March 4, 2007

..and so Bi-Rain's saga continues wt me

Went to a wedding at noon. K. Long was following us, so we went to pick her up. Last nite I smsed her and asked if I could borrow her FH dvd? (it is too time consuming to download fr the net). She answered back by saying 'better still I loan you another of Rain's video called Sangdoo, let's go to school'. I want! I want! I was jumping wt joy!!

So in the car, while Angah was driving - K.Long and me were chit chatting about K drama (she watched everything, you named it) well me on Rain specifically. Angah warned his older sister not to influence me further but she said it's okay, I can be her partner in crime. Yahoo! Bless you K.Long!! (to hear it from a person whom is a deputy dean of a school of biz management; felt like a moral booze for me). K.Long was so into Winter Sonata (once upon a time) that when she travelled to Seoul she visited the park/garden. I heard they had turned it into a tourist lure.

At the wedding, meet up wt other relatives. A. Man's daughter is leaving for Tokyo next week to continue her studies. She will be majoring in Sociology and Japanese language. Apparently she was hooked into all things Japan, ever since she watched a Japanese drama serial. K.Long commented, well that's maybe bcos you haven't watched any K drama before. Or else you might be going to Seoul instead of Tokyo. Ha!Ha! We all had a good laugh.

Angah had to drive south later this evening. He will only be back on Thurs. After he kissed me goodbye, I think I detected a look of dejected perhaps? Cruel me. Nowadays, I haven't got time for anybody unless it has something to do wt you-know-who.

Went to purchase some groceries at Tesco. Saw a magazine called Lime at the news stand wt Bi-Rain on its cover. Bought it. Already watched 7 episodes of FH so far. Hmm..I still have 15min before midnite, should I hit the bed or watch a few episodes more??

Well perhaps, just one episode...

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