Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rain -ed on them too

This morning on my way to send Danial to his kiddy, we had a small argument. He want to insert Rain's World into the player while I want to listen to Eternal Rain cd. But I gave in bcos it is just a short drive to his school and I changed the cd right after he stepped down the car. Isn't that a feel good subject to argue about early in the morning? It makes me laugh on my own thinking about it in the office. For a 5 year old, he sure knows how to choose his favourite song. Btw his current Rain favourite is 'In My Bed' along with Akon's Smack That.
picture: Danial my early morning cd contender
I was thrilled to found out that my ex-boss who's now residing in Perth, is also a fan of Rain. When I confessed in my email to her about my craze over Rain, I didn't expect her to know him but was pleasantly surprised to find out that not only she knows him but a fan herself. Oohh, I'm so happy. And at 47, she said she won over me any time. Ha! Ha! I love her.

ps/I'm STILL waiting for my Bangkok concert ticket confirmation

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