Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Calmer thots towards Bi Rain

Last nite went to visit my cousin. She and family will be flying off to Jakarta late this afternoon and live there for the next 3 years. So now we have a port in Jakarta, whenever we go there we could camp at her place.

I'm on half day leave today, to clear off last year's unused leave or it will be deducted just like that. After paying bills online, I hooked up to internet and still haven't finish surfing on my usual sites on Bi Rain. (another window is still downloading clips fr YouTube). Bi Rain will be in Taipei by now for his concert this weekend.

My feelings are a lot more calmer now, I think. I don't get too excited when I read his posted message in the fan forum. I feel contend that he care about us, his fans. I hope I can maintain this. But I saw some pics where some Thai journalists took pics wt him during his concert in Vietnam. Hmmm 'sigh'...lucky, lucky people.

I bought a VCD/CD package of Gary Chow for a friend's birthday present. Inside has a metal tag of him where my friend hang it together wt her work tag. I envy her. If only I have the same for myself of Bi Rain. It will be perfect.

My Bangkok concert tix in June is confirmed. I'm so looking forward to it.
OK, got to get ready for work.

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