Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I survived

I'm back from Bandung!! Both Plan A and B failed miserably while I was there. No I didn't manage to get online while I was there neither did I read my novel (not even the first page).

Nevertheless, Bi was never out of my mind.

How can I?
1. TV in the hotel room has Arirang channel -i was overjoyed, even to see a few sec of his pic/promos -already made my day
2. I was at a shopping outlet when the store suddenly played the FH theme song; automatically I was smiling to myself (happy to realise that K pop and drama, also a big hit in Bandung) but had to change to humming and singing instead when I realised some curious stares by other shoppers when they saw me grinning to myself while choosing clothes to buy
3. saw Eternal Rain in a cd store - you bet I bought it!

All in all, I'm proud of myself of having to survive the ordeal of not getting any news on Bi Rain for almost 96hrs. Well it's not TOO bad after all.

Present state:
After doing some internet banking, I went online to catch up on Bi's latest/old news which I missed for the last 4 days. Hmm..after Vietnam, he's having rounds of concerts in Taiwan, Shanghai, maybe Sydney, Bangkok and US most definitely. Although, I'm planning to see the one in Bangkok June 2-3, but I thought of having a closer date perhaps.

It's almost 0100hr and I have an important meeting tomorrow (after 4 days of leave).
Guess, the remaining 2 episodes of FH will have to wait till tomorrow.

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