Saturday, March 3, 2007

The other side of me

A colleague was leaving the company so last nite we had a farewell dinner for her. Those who came are either senior managers or head of unit in their team and much senior than I am. There were about 12 of us there and the Thai restaurant was havoc with our roar of laughter. We stayed until there was only our table left and the owner was kind enough not asking us to leave although almost all of the waitress looked very sleepy and wanted to throw us out.

We continued our conversation outside the restaurant after they had locked the door and switched off the lights after us.
pic courtesy of Bi Rain-Jeong Ji hoon fan site
'Do you know that nowadays she (referring to me) is a big fan of Rain'? began a senior female colleague. 'Oh no, not you too', added a male colleague. I just smiled awkwardly wt my eyes facing down, not saying a word. 'She plan to watch his concert in Bangkok', chipped another friend. 'You mean you are actually going to catch him all the way there'? Good heavens, said another senior manager, I never would have guess. You really don't look like one!!

What he meant is that from my outlook, I don't fit the bill as someone who would be a fan of Rain. The same guy once commented he likes looking at my face bcos he said I portray a picture of calmness. Ha!Ha! Guess nowadays he doesn't see much calm bcos my heart and head is already in turmoil ever since I discovered Rain. Actually, the conversation about me and Rain lasted more than 15min wt a friend mimicking how I would act if Rain's video is shown on TV screen and the time I almost strangled a male colleague when I heard he actually went to Rain concert while I was desperately looking for a partner to go. At first I was embarrassed when the conversation had suddenly focused on me. But after seeing some admiring looks from some of the colleague suddenly I kinda felt relieved. Some male colleagues started to compare their six pack or (rather beer tummy) to of Rain which had everyone laughing.

So last nite some of my office mates learnt about the other side of me.

The 'not so docile' me. The so unlike me.

The other side of me.

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