Saturday, March 3, 2007

Daily dose of Bi Rain

I have dark circles under my eyes. Thanks to sleeping late every nite.

Angah said he wants to use the internet tonite for banking purposes and wants me to step on it. So after visiting the usual sites for my daily dose of Rain, here I am updating my basic/pathetic -looking blog (compare to other fan site). I am so NOT web savvy. I guess I've mentioned that several times before.

I have a wedding to attend tomorrow, so I have been warned by Angah as not to stayed up too late tonite. He was actually referring to last nite's case. It was almost 0200hr when I finally off my laptop. While waiting for it to completely shut down, I closed my eyes.

I was awoken when Angah came into the room in the middle of the nite, put away the laptop, clear the bed and pulled the blanket for me. Not to mention asking me to change my sleeping position from half sitting half curling to a proper sleeping position. When I asked him what time was it, he said almost 0700am. WHAT??!! I was sleeping in that position for almost 5hrs. It reminds me of the drama FH where the leading girl always sleep at her PC desk.

There will be Rain fan meeting in Seoul tomorrow. How I wish I can be there to absorb the atmosphere and the excitement. Guess I have to be contend wt whatever news, pics and videos leaked out from the gathering.

Next weekend, I'll be going for a vacation to Bandung, Indonesia for 4 days. That's the reason as to why I can't go to Rain's World Tour in Vietnam Mar 10-11. Angah has promised me that the hotel room has WIFI facility. Bless him.

I don't think I can survive without my daily dose of Rain...even on vacation.

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