Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bunny left us

It was approx. 0815hr when I heard the bad news. Danish and Danial came running to the bedroom wt an awful news. Bunny died. Our 7+ years old rabbit was found dead in its pen by the maid. He was not ours to begin with. Angah and me found him in our old house garden, looking frail, skinny and hungry. We took him in, fed him and searched around the neighbourhood for its owner. When we couldn't find the owner, angah decided to take him in against my wish. So he was wt us all this years ... enduring house shift, trips to hometown, trips to boarding pet shop, a major surgery to remove a lump on its neck, a 6 months fling wt Buffy (female rabbit) - Buffy died 2 months after giving birth to 6 bunnies (all were given away); all of that until this morning, when he decided to leave us.

I didn't say goodbye. I stayed in bed.

Angah dug a small grave for him wt the boys. He was a good Bunny. Never gives us any problem. Angah said he brings us luck. If this is true, thank you my dear Bunny.

We will miss you and we love you.

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